What would be cool is to do it with the # of players by state per-capita. Yes, California and Texas have a lot, but they also have a lot of people. Would be interesting to see players compared to state population. Probably will get a map up in an hour or two (Going to eat first) but...
Top 5 per million people
1. Vermont (9.68)
2. Montana (6.93)
[Washington D.C.] (6.25)
3. Rhode Island (5.71)
4. Missouri (5.63)
5. Utah (5.52)
Bottom 5 per million people
1. Wyoming (0.00)
2. Kansas (0.69)
3. Oklahoma (1.04)
4. Delaware (1.09)
5. Alaska (1.37)
The mean value is 2.65 Warlight Members in clans per million people in the US
The median value (Arkansas, #26 including D.C.) is 2.71 Warlight Members in Clans per million people in the US. Out of the 6 states with over 10 million in population, three (Illinois, New York, Pennsylvania) are above the median.
Of note: If you gave Wyoming 1 hypothetical person, they would shoot up to 1.72 clan members per million, putting them slightly below California's 1.77
EDIT: Late, but...
http://imgur.com/ezSM2v7 for the maths or something like that
Edited 10/11/2014 00:55:26