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Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-27 10:09:54

Level 63
In 2017, a user was writing the following:

"To start, I'm sorry. I know there have been some threads about saving the colour changes but none was describing exactly what I'm looking for. As you probably know, when you play a Warlight game you can change a player's colour. This will only influent the way you see the opponent's territories on the sceen of your computer but it's exactly what it's for. It is useful when two bordering players have similar appearance or when you want to make the whole team reddish or blueish.
Though the changes disappear with the next opening of the game site. I know I'm not the only one dealing with the matter but if you allow users to change others' colour, make the option more practical. [...]"

I fully agree with this wish, and I'm happy that this was implemented. However, since some days, the old problem is back again. Any idea how I could solve this? Or is it a general problem coming with the most recent update?
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-27 13:05:15

Level 63
The color overwrites are stored locally on your device. If your cookies/local stoarage/cache has been cleared, it will also change all the players to their original color.

Both my phone (old update) and laptop using Chrome (new update) have no problem remembering the colors i changed.

What do you play on and what games do you have problems with? (I only tested 1v1 games, but your post suggests your problem is with large team games or FFAs)
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-28 10:20:43

Level 63
Idk what's happening. It was a 2v2 game in a tournament. I had to change to colours maybe five or six times. And exactly from the moment on, when I posted this, the colours remained the way I selected them. Don't ask me why. I didn't change the browser nor cleared I coockies or whatever.
However, if noone else had this problem and it is solved now, we can conclude this discussion. Sorry for bothering.
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-29 05:15:35

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
Eric, clearly it happened on your device.

Obviously that posed a problem for you.
Please don't worry about being a bother.

The sign on the door says friendly help because questions like yours need to be asked and answered. ;)
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-29 05:17:53

Dublin Warrior 
Level 57
At some point in the future, your question will probably help someone else.

(Many of the help topics that I search and read on this fourms are too old to reply to.)
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-31 19:27:08

Level 63
Thanks :-)
Unfortunately, the problem came back. As it was asked, in which game this happened, it's the following: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28633628.
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-31 19:37:08

Level 63
What device/browser do you play on?
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-31 20:50:22

Level 63
I should maybe add that I've been playing on firefox for quite some time and had never problems.
Annoying Colour Changing II: 2021-10-31 20:57:33

Level 63
Right, but I know that Firefox got an update this month, so maybe they blocked some cookies on the background or stuff.

I dont know how WZ works under the hood, but its the first thing that comes to mind. Do you also experience this problem in other browsers (if you are using any other)?
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