"BTW, how old are you exactly?"
15 and yourself? ;)
"So if buy founding the LEA clan, I helped get Fizzer an extra Egg McMuffin every day, then I consider my money well spent."
That is your opinion about the topic. Which is the whole purpose of the thread.
"Clans have been an official "buyable" item on warlight for just about a year and a half (547 days). If you take your total amount and divide it up over that time period, it works out to $2.76 / day"
Are'nt you smart :D!!! 2.76 is very weak a day... and plus Fizzer doesn't receive in instalments he receives in one sum. So your little equation is of at no use.
Your name suits you. Dr.Stupid a true reflection on your character :)
HAHA! I can't believe I missed this gem