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How to move forward?: 2021-11-11 02:23:16

Level 62
As far as I'm aware, I'm not the only one who's post-phase-4 and have enough AP to max everything and don't know what to do other than digging. We kind of "finished the game".

The question is, what potential updates that Fizzer can or will make to extend Idle gameplay?

The first obvious thing to do is to make Phase 5, Phase 6, etc, and then Doubly Hardened levels, Triply Hardened levels, etc.

The second option may be after maxing all advancements, an ultra-ascension becomes available that reset all advancements and reset AP to 0, in exchange for some perks that are good enough to attract people to do so, for example AP cost for all advancements reduce by half after each ultra-ascension, or having ultra-ascension doubles the limits for advancements (i.e. Increased Army Camp Production now goes to 1000%, Increased Copper Production goes to 400%, Increased Cache Money goes to 200%, etc)
How to move forward?: 2021-11-11 08:38:52

Level 63
I'd be happy to get more levels. After a couple of ascensions, all the levels feel repetative.

Also I'd love to see a phase 5 that is completely dedicated to mortars:
- increase the amount of mortars on maps to 10000% (in increments of 2%)
- reduce loading time to instant
- reduce loading costs to "free"
- increase amount of rockets to 50
- increasing chances of hitting to 100%
- increase the chance of splash damage to 10 adjacent territories (in increments of 1)
- trans-atlantic launch: mortars now have the ability to fire on clanmates's progress and help them with their maps
- earyhquake: a chance for a mortar to hit the ground so hard, it leaves a hole. This territory stays conquered forever even after ascension. increase the chance to 25% in increments of 0.5%
- instant dig: when a mortar hits a dig site it has a 25% chance to instantly dig the artifact (in increments of 1%
- color superiority: you can now chose a neat color design for your mortar. (unlocking all 40 colors in increments of 3)
- each time a mortar hits, you get an obligatory congratulation message from WZ to your mail. This starts at 50 mails a day and can be reduces to "uncheck box" in increments of 1.

ok, I'm out of ideas......
How to move forward?: 2021-11-11 09:20:03

Level 63
Before you can do any of that fancy stuff, you first need to max idle time, which currently has no limits.

To fix that, I suggest Fizzer caps it at 1 week of idle time.

Phase 5 and 6 wouldnt really work, because there are no more things to boost. Except for maybe the resources and craft/smelt times of each recipe.

I like the ultra ascension more, but reaching that will also become easier each time you do it, so that gets boring as well.

How about community levels for idle instead? The bored people that have finished idle can build super-super-hard levels for eachother, so they can keep playing forever.

Obviously a player needs to beat its own idle level before (s)he can publish it.
How to move forward?: 2021-11-11 09:25:17

Level 63

actually a community multiplayer game would be interesting. two players joining up to beat one hard map.....
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 16:33:28

Level 60
I don't think there aren't enough more advancement to create a Phase 5
Here are some ideas:
Army Camp and Hospital Visibility
Better digsite ods
Better ad watch boost(that should be way earlier, maybe in Phase 2)
Increased cap of advancements(of course it wouldn't upgrade itself)
Overall chace boost
Faster Hospital upgrades
Increased Money from Territorys(schould also be earlier)
Reduced active artifact cooldown
More Levels(Each Level of this advancement unlocks a new WZI Level)
Better Artifacts(a general percent boost for Artifacts)
Longer Morter Firerange and shorter Morter loading time(so they are actually usefull)
Efficent Crafter and Smelter(like the Artifacts, should also be earlier)

I think that should be enough to make atleast one more Phase. Feel free to add more.
But I also like the Idea of an Ultra-Ascancion or other ideas mentioned in this Forum.

Edited 11/17/2021 16:37:04
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 20:29:48

Level 63
There's no shortage of options for new Advancements if he were to go that way.

The one and only advancement in phase 5 can be "Increase difficulty" just to crank up the # of armies. Starts at 10%, upgradeable in 10% increments up to maximum of 1,000,000%, total cost is 3,000,000 AP.

And then there are some legit good new advancements in phase 6, but you need to spend 3,000,000 AP in phase 5 to unlock phase 6.
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 20:35:40

Level 60
lol i wonder how long it would take to beat a Level with 10k times armies on it.
But if this would actually happen, people would just wait until they have about 10m AP and unlock Phase 6 Advancments.
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 20:51:16

Level 25
For the "increased difficulty": would there then be any benefits to it (like 10% more armies but 15% more AP, or 10% more armies and 1% digging time reduction) or would it just be more armies to earn oneself bragging rights?
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 20:53:19

Level 60
If I understood correctly it's just more armies.
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 21:04:16

Level 63
No benefits associated with increased difficulty (more armies).

And there is a requirement to complete at least 1 full ascension** for each 100% upgrade.

**Full ascension = must complete each level in full once before ascending.

But ...

If there were additional phase 5 advancements, they would be:

- Reduce hospitals - Eliminate hospitals. Upgradable by 1, to max of 15.
- Reduce merc camps - Eliminate merc camps. Upgradable by 1, to max of 50.
- Reduce markets - Eliminate markets. Upgradable by 1, to max of 7.

Edited 11/17/2021 21:06:33
How to move forward?: 2021-11-17 21:07:12

Level 60
See you in 1000000 years when you finally hit Phase 6
Hospitals and Merc Camps don't need to be reduced since they don't do anything anyway.

Edited 11/17/2021 21:08:49
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 00:21:36

Level 62
5.16 super-ascend update!
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 09:36:09

Level 63
OHHH Math is being serious!

I thought it was a joke ... but ... it's true.


Soooo, anyone does this yet?

Sounds pretty brutal tbh ... like going back to the early levels with no advancements, no AP, and just 2 artifacts? yikes

Actually nvm, there are proper threads on this, no reason for me to hijack this one to talk about 5.16.

Edited 11/25/2021 09:48:15
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 09:38:15

Level 63
krinid, you are so late, mate!
5.16 is already old news

Edited 11/25/2021 09:38:35
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 09:41:07

Level 58
get with the times old man! let the new generation rule

*cries in phase 1*

Edited 11/25/2021 09:41:43
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 13:42:40

Level 61
IMO there is enough stuff to fill phase 5 (and maybe even 6) out if need be, it just probably wouldn't be very useful at that point:

- AFAIK there's nothing related to mortars in phases 1-4, so in phase 5 there could be stuff like: auto-mortars, better mortars, cheaper mortars, mortar visibility, shorter loading times - similar to army camp and hospital advancements
- all the metals up to gold have their own increased production advancements, so why not add increased platinum, thorium, neodymium, chromium production (which are the next ores after gold)?
- some passive artifacts have their advancement equivalents, but some don't, so those could be added. Also - again following the artifact theme - maybe triple striple and quadruple strike?

and probably some more stuff I forget about :-)
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 14:35:32

Level 25
according to Parsifal, both Auto-Mortar and Mortar Damage are actual advancements. The former even got fixed in this update, so even Fizzer confirmed its existence officially (in the blog post).

But still, you are absolutely right, there is a lot of advancements that one could add to this game (but frankly, some would be misplaced in phase 5 and would belong way earlier).

Edited 11/25/2021 14:36:48
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 15:04:24

Level 63
Definitely Auto-Mortar and Mortar Damage are advancements in phase 4 & 3 respectively.

HOWEVER ... the new Super Ascension mechanic kind of negates any need for anything beyond phase 4, maybe even a lot of phase 4 itself, b/c it wipes out your Advancements & AP, so by the time you're ready to invest in Faster Digging, Better Hospitals and Increased Army Cache, it's time to do a SA again. So not much point of playing lots to get high AP/Advancements, if you're just going to Super Ascend, wipe it all out & start again. :/

Edited 11/25/2021 16:12:02
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 16:27:53

Level 64
@krinid Agree, but you need to spend 100k AP in phase 4 to super ascend (again), so you're kinda forced to invest in AP despite the fact that the advancements will be quickly lost again.
How to move forward?: 2021-11-25 22:17:43

Level 63
You're right ... so does this actually force multiple Ascensions per Super Ascension? I think it does ... don't think you can get 143K out of a single playthrough.

EDIT: Yes, it does ... you need to ascend 3-4 times before you'll have enough AP to Super Ascend.

Edited 11/28/2021 04:44:00
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