I don't mean that it doesn't work, I just mean that it is set up in a really inconvenient way. When playing from a desktop there is no reason why the chat has to be a huge window taking up a considerable amount of the screen even when minimized. The chat should be always turned on and placed on the side of the screen, the font should be much smaller too.
Yeah, sounds like he needs to propose a user voice suggestion.
Personally, I would really like to see the chat window load something between the unread and everything if you hit "old chat". I'd like to see some intermediate options. Like new by default (as it is now), but have another button that loads maybe a week of chats, and then have a load all (to replace the "old" button).
While we are on the subject it would be really nice to be able to copy more than one line from the chat window at a time too.