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What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:00:57

Level 58
So in the last forum I talked about what name u guys would want if warzone was going to change and it grew bigger than I thought so here is a second one.

If u had to take any feature, UI, mechanic in this game and update (even create a new idea) it. What would it be and [optional] how would it work

if u like any ideas make sure to click the thumbs up to show support

I would update the chat, global and game, as it is hard to open in larger diplo games and is sometimes a pain to get through.

I would have a way to @ someone in the game so that the game is then prioritised on said persons multiplayer screen for faster responses

For global chat there should be a way to downvote people so that if enough people do it, it deletes the message, such as it is in forums atm. I was thinking maybe 3-4 downvotes and the message gets hidden and if there is more it is automatically reported to mods.

discuss your own ideas below :)

(link to the last thread: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/587267-new-name-game-give-suggestions?Offset=60)

Edited 11/19/2021 15:18:43
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:45:04

Level 63
There should be a feature that bans Loxiiv from the forums

I would also like the fun stats to actually include some fun stats, cause right now that page is kinda 💩

More control over mobile push notifications, and also have the idle notifications actually open idle for you, instead of the MP dashboard.

Speaking of idle, if you have idle open and chat closed on your phone, the chat no longer updates until you open chat or sync your idle progress. That is rather annoying and i probably should report that as a bug at some point.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:53:49

Level 63
Old idea but idle profiles like the classic ones detailing the stats in idle such as fastest completion times, ap per last 30 days , total ap, current level etc
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:56:12

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Ability to make sure that if someone pops a message in the completed game, it won't contaminate your game pool. Sometimes I play with a total stranger, I surrender and a few hours after the game ends the game revives itself just because of two fucking letters: gg. I attempted to get myself booted instead of surrendering, which solved the gg issue, but Fizzer decided that I should play "surrender tutorial" every time I open the webpage. Which was even more annoying than reanimated games.

So yeah, the ability to make your own "profanity filter", or just prevent games from resurrecting would be awesome.

Edited 11/19/2021 12:57:51
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:57:15

Level 59
For immediate consideration as additions to the non-immediate roadmap, I propose:

#1 Relaxed Create Game API restrictions so CLOTs can actually reach the broader community and eventually supplant the subpar and unmaintained first-party ladders (with -B's platform and the MTL, we've seen how far CLOTs can get under the present limitations; with the API handicap, they have even less reach than Global Chat)
#2 Relaxed clan restrictions (undo the 40-cap from 5.12, especially since 40-capped clans are at a disadvantage in CW). 40-capped clans really struggle with building lasting communities because they necessarily have fewer points of failure- e.g., Korea was a really active community until a few players left around the same time and now it's very quiet. Compare that with CORP or 101st, who have much more graceful recoveries from key players going inactive, sometimes without interruption.
#3 Relaxed Open Clan restrictions (remove the size cap, since most Open Clan joins are soon-to-become-inactive users or players whose interests just don't mesh with the clan. Using Open Clans at scale requires a lot of manual churning unless you want your clan to become flooded with inactives or other low-value members that are hard to convert.)
#4 Blacklists that let you prevent others from seeing your posts/chats/games/tournaments, working more like a traditional "block" button on social media. The present blacklist functionality is nigh-useless and immediately becomes a pain point for the blacklister.
#5 Periodic auctions for (ideally transfer-able) unique colors/patterns. Maybe with NFTs for the hype but with just coins otherwise. There's little clutter risk relative to just expanding the overall universe of colors for everyone, because only one player at a time would have a given unique color.

Edited 11/19/2021 12:59:09
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 12:59:17

Nice Guy 
Level 62

It is called a blocklist, racist!

Edited 11/19/2021 12:59:32
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 13:12:44

Level 58
1. global chat:
unlock posting rights only for accounts L5+ *and* minimum 2 weeks account age

2. CW
should be a "special RT event", run only every other month (in other months some big prize RT tourney).
3 templates every timeslot. One of the templates always SEAD or SE1W (or SE Com Bomb with 2/2 timeing). no 2v2 templates.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 13:14:34

Level 59
It is called a blocklist, racist!
You've got me...

Allow people are the primary race!

One of the templates always SEAD or SE1W
Can't +1 this enough.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 13:39:29

Level 63
Old idea but idle profiles like the classic ones detailing the stats in idle such as fastest completion times, ap per last 30 days , total ap, current level etc

I like that idea a lot, that would show clearly how good/bad someone is at idle. It would also give people that have enough AP earned to max out copper ore production a reason to keep playing, because they now have stats to min/max and brag about.

Ability to make sure that if someone pops a message in the completed game, it won't contaminate your game pool.

Are there no dashboard filters that help with that?

About knytes stuff:
#1: Also add more APIs, especially ones for CW game feed per slotID, getting game settings from templates and getting map data without making a game
#2: The clan restrictions never worked. It has only made a few already big clans get bigger and bigger, cause they do both have more capabilities and are more visible.
#3: I dont see how opening removing the open clan cap would help anything.

unlock posting rights only for accounts L5+ *and* minimum 2 weeks account age

Sounds good, doesnt work. Troll will just make a new account in advance and play 2 QM games with it.
What would actually work is better device/alt detection, and more effective netwerk bans.

3 templates every timeslot. One of the templates always SEAD or SE1W (or SE Com Bomb with 2/2 timeing). no 2v2 templates.

I think each slot should have a minimum of 2 templates.
The first template is always SEAD or SE1W.
The 2nd template can be any of the other 1v1 templates
The 3rd template can be 2v2
The 4th or 5th templates can be any random template that is not picked yet.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 13:46:36

Level 59
I dont see how opening removing the open clan cap would help anything.
Most clans would still close themselves because Opening your clan just adds a lot of clutter (Idlers & inactives) and management overhead, so the cap itself really doesn't need to exist in the first place.

To your point, though, removing the cap would make Open Clans workable. As you know from experience, a tiny fraction of Open Clan joins are actually worthwhile. Most don't even read the clan description even when the clan image has bold red text overlaid telling them to do so. But that's fine because, absent the 40-cap, you don't really need to care about the ratio so much as the absolute number of useful players.

With the 40-cap on open clans, you need to churn out players on basically a daily cadence, which also makes it harder to detect who's inactive. With no cap, you can keep the wide net open for longer and then worry about churning a little bit later when things have settled in.

This would just cut out the middleman from the most successful applications of Open Clans today. The low-overhead strategy for Open Clans right now is to use an Open Clan as a wide net and quickly redirect players to another clan where you can deal with churn later, when you have more information. Absent the 40-cap on Open Clans, this redirect step could be skipped and the Open Clan itself could be used as the holding clan. Note that this would not result in clans remaining Open indefinitely because it's still disadvantageous after a point to keep collecting almost overwhelmingly low-utility players. Rather, I'd wager that clans would just remain open for longer (say, a week) and then process the Open joins, converting a larger share of Open Clan joiners into active players.

What would actually work is better device/alt detection
This is a double-edged sword. It would require Warzone to perform even more invasive fingerprinting than it already does. I don't think the problem of a few people being annoying sometimes is worth sacrificing the little bit of online privacy we still have over.

Edited 11/19/2021 13:47:45
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 14:41:30

Level 56
I think removing warzone Idle from the game would be a great improvement for all.
Also removing singleplayer is just a net positive so people don't get trapped thinking it is the actual game.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 14:57:09

Level 56
Real talk now, you should be able to delete your poll replies and delete the polls you've made before anyone posted on it. That could be very handy.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 15:24:49

Level 58
anothe three ideas I've came up with from reading everyone else's:

a way to deleate your chat in game + global because sometimes u read over it and regret it massively but can't take it back

a FFA CW timeslot where the winner gets 2/3 wins and second place 1 win.

a way to join multiple timeslots. by which I mean, instead of just not getting a game u can choose a second priority game to join instead.
What should get updated - Opinions needed: 2021-11-19 17:27:06

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Are there no dashboard filters that help with that?

Not really.
You can have games where is your turn, but then if teammates talks to you after committing, it won't show up.
You can have active games where you are not eliminated. That puts lots of games in your dashboard.
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