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already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-16 19:57:19

Level 58
got this "already been earned 2 times this level. Cannot be earned again to prevent farming"
but I'm playing this level only 2nd time to gain +30% ore.
it's normal?
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-16 19:58:03

Level 63
did you maybe try the level earlier but aborted it?
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-16 20:27:33

Level 56
I've seen many of those while playing levels for the 2nd time to get ore bonuses.
Sometimes even with powers I most likely didn't even collect for the first time, because I had more than 5 of them and the level was almost finished, or I simply couldn't use them (skip level).
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-27 22:00:07

Level 57
To add to this, seems like I get this on multiple levels. Noticing it more after multiple ascensions (not SA). It’s like the limit that was on the ML on KPX before the updated maps rolled out.

On this latest ascension, have seen 4 levels so far with no powers. When randomly clicking around you can find the “already been earned 2 times this level” notification on some territories. This is ALL powers, not only limited to ML.

Edited 12/27/2021 22:02:29
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-28 06:18:10

Level 57
Breaking green, Europe, and old town today all have no powers for me. All have been beaten 2+ times before this last one
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-28 06:19:53

Level 63
I could be fuzzy wrong on this, but I don't think that message shows up for me at all, they just aren't there the next time around.
already been earned 2 times this level.: 2021-12-31 04:26:54

Level 57
The Message shows up if you select a territory that had a power at one point and now doesnt due to the earning twice limit
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