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Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 00:51:57

Level 5
Hey, my old account doesn't work because the email is considered expired. I believe it is level 28 or 29 and I really wish to be able to dm people. It'd make things easier. Can anyone help?
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 01:05:18

Level 59
Mail Fizzer: https://www.warzone.com/Discussion/SendMail?PlayerID=4569

What's your account username?
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 01:52:35

Level 5
Also Sorina
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 01:53:02

Level 5
Also I am level 2 so I can't mail people
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 02:26:04

Level 59
Oh, d'oh.

Unless someone else beats me to it, I'll mail on your behalf in a bit when I get home.

Edit: done

Edited 12/18/2021 03:55:42
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 02:28:43

Level 5
Thank you!!!
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 02:47:36

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Just level up. Make a game explaining your situation and pop it in the global chat. https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?ChatRoom=1

Edited 12/18/2021 02:48:05
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 04:01:32

Level 59
@Sorina: the level restriction does not apply to mailing Fizzer but he prefers to be mailed at fizzer@warzone.com

So you should email him on that because he only responded to the mail thread I created to tell me to tell you to mail him a different way.

Edited 12/18/2021 04:18:21
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 17:01:01

Level 5
I can't email. It's quite a long story, I'd be happy to share In dms If you'd like. It's personal.
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 17:36:19

Level 59
You should still be able to mail Fizzer regardless of your level. The level requirement only applies to mailing everyone else.
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 17:47:33

Level 5
I just tried it didn't work. They will have to message me first
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-18 20:57:43

Level 59
I don't think he will. Do you not have another email you can mail Fizzer with?

also as long as you have the account password you can still log into the old account and change its email. did you forget the password? plenty of accounts exist without valid email addresses

if you're out of options, just create a game and invite Fizzer to it.

Edited 12/18/2021 20:59:18
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-19 02:44:35

Level 58
Just join lottos and find good luck. This is the way I leveled up except QMing dead players.
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-19 04:35:42

Level 60
it doesnt take too long to reach 28 yk
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-19 04:38:36

Master Hotarian 
Level 58
Ask JK he can spare an alt
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-19 04:41:35

Level 59
I can also spare a few alts. Or if you want help leveling up a few of us could join a rigged FFA and surrender to you for a massive level boost.

Anyone else in?
Hey, I need a mod. My old account doesn't work: 2021-12-19 04:43:22

Master Hotarian 
Level 58
As long as I win
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