Here is a nice proverb: "Even poison has a cure." The poison mentioned is about snake poison, which has been used in the past as a cure. It still is used by doctors.
This proverb can be understood as follows:
1. A person must be positive in all situations. 2. Even in evil there is some goodness.
I have a nice proverb: "The two-headed snake still has one heart." It has multiple meanings.
1: Go for the source. 2: Focus and don't get distracted by the appearance. 3: Taqiyyah keeps the heart in one state, protected. 4: You don't have 2 personalities; rather you're bewitched, so the devil takes over and gives the illusion of a second personality.
Interesting fact: Without a full beard and moustache, one feels a lack of context in his face. The full beard with a moustache gives a contextual feeling. Without it, it feels naked, hence no contextual feeling. When your face looks non-contextual, it has the effect of taking things more literally. This is why soldiers are ordered to shave. They want soldiers to follow orders blindly. When one takes things too literally, he obeys orders blindly. Critical thinking lacks in people who take things too literally.