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Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 17:57:57

Level 63
I tried the Idle battles recently and am totally confused. Auto-conquer says:
"Automatically conquers any territories that cost less than 5% of the number of armies you have."
(I'm exactly at this 5% level.)

In my last recent battle, I possessed 3.39B armies, so 5% of it are 169M armies. As you can see, all my boardering neutrals are far below this, but none is conquered.

Can anyone please tell me, what I'm doing wrong?

P.S.: Don't know why the picture is not shown, here's the link:

Edited 1/6/2022 18:00:30
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 20:01:13

transdimensional ultrasonic waffle
Level 24
Sorry if it's a stupid remark, but have you clicked the checkbox next to the auto-conquer power? You need to explicitly enable this. I normally leave off auto-conquer so I can optimize my joint strike bonus.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 20:02:30

Level 63
It's in a battle so its always on....

I think this is the same bug that caused krinid and a few others to stop playing WZIB.
At some point during the battle, the AC just locks up and stops working.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 21:46:41

Level 63
This happens to me when I play WZIB on PC browser. Not every time, and I haven't been able to ascertain the criteria that cause it, but it's essentially what you've laid out here. It has never occurred when playing on the PC or mobile apps.

It almost always happens when using a Time Warp artifact, but it's not limited to that case. When using a TW, the game immediately jumps forward in time, then enters that state, and after a given period of time, usually exits that state. As if it has some things it needs to "catch up on" before it can exit the state.

When it goes into that state outside of using TW, it typically is a game breaker and I don't finish the level until the game automatically ends due to multiple players finishing and hitting the time limit.

Specifically what happens is that Auto-Conquer stops working properly, but I can still interact with the game and move manual moves every 4 secs. But I accumulate money and armies that just don't get spent, and neither Auto-Upgrade Army Camps nor Auto-Conquer trigger despite the criteria being met. While it's in this state, several of the already conquered territories on the map highlight themselves as if I clicked on them, in no particular sequence that I can discern (maybe the order they were captured in? Just guessing). It happens in sequence, about 1 territory every 0.75-1.25 secs, so it looks like different territories are intermittently flashing. Attacks from other players still come in, so I can see some of my territories reverting to neutrals.

Sometimes, it seems AQ stops working entirely, no new captures get made at all. Other times, it seems that it is making a handful of captures, but nowhere near the amount that it should be, and my # of armies far exceeds the criteria to make captures of available neutral territories. Either way (entirely or still partially working), it's never been possible to finish a Battle once it enters this state (game ends before I finish) outside of TW activation, and I've entered this state when I've been doing poorly and also when doing well. In a couple cases, I've been in 1st place, just a few territories away from winning, but then this state kicks up, and I just can't snag those last few territories (even manually) before the attacks start rolling in, increasing my neutral territories faster than I can click them, and AQ just isn't recapturing any territories despite having Billions of armies and 50% AQ. I've had a number of folks ask me a number of times, "What happened? You were in 1st place about to win but then you just dropped down to 14th." So I've entirely given up playing WZIB from browser. If I do play, it's from the PC or mobile app.

@FunnyEric - Does this align to your experience? Does the 'highlighted territories' stuff happen to you as well?

Edited 1/6/2022 21:49:56
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 21:51:34

Level 62
This always happen when I'm on my pc. I can never finish an idle battle level on pc.

This never happens when I'm on my phone though. Auto-conquer always works as expected on my phone.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 21:52:45

Level 63
@krinid since youre a member, can you try using the standalone app on pc? does the same thing happen there?
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 22:10:40

Level 64
That 5% is just the limit that the AQ will spend. If multiple territories fit the range that the AQ can hit, AQ prioritizes the strongest territories you can see first (highest army counts). It appears, from your screenshot, that you are using the website to play, which uses UJS. From my experience, UJS works differently than Unity, mainly in that each territory is conquered one at a time and the game waits for the glow animation to finish before AQ moves to the next one, even if you use the time warp artifact, after all the territories the AQ can reach get conquered, the glow animation still has to hit all of the conquered territories before you gain control back.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-06 22:20:31

Level 63
It has never happened on the PC standalone app or mobile app. Only PC browser.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-07 08:56:27

Level 63
Thanks for the many responses. So I understand that it is not a specific problem for me, but a general bug.

I tried to use the standalone app on pc, and interestingly, this seems to work completely differently (and better). Using it seems the best current solution.

@krinid: I can't say much to your experience, since I use AQ in idle battles only, where using time warp is no option. My experience in battles is different, since I'm just starting to play them and am at 5% AQ only. This means, I'm clearly ranging at the bottom of the list, but I wondered whether this is because of my noob status or because AQ simply doesn't work and I have to click all territories manually.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-07 09:04:30

Level 63
I'm referring to using TW artifact in Battles, not the powers while clearing regular levels. That said, I've seen analogous issues in regular levels on large maps like EH when using AQ on them, but just clunky, slow, flashing territories and no attacks/etc, so it's clear that it's a core engine issue and not specific to Battles, but the Battle aspect likely exacerbates it.
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-07 09:53:18

Level 40
where did you find a standalone pc app?
did you use an emulator+android app?

i'm also having the same problem

in my experience "auto conquer" in idle attacks the weakest 1st, is it different in battle or am did i think wrong all this time

Edited 1/7/2022 09:53:29
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-07 11:26:38

Level 63
standalone is only available for members, see https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Standalone_Client
Idle battle/ auto-conquer: 2022-01-07 23:04:55

Level 64

That's true if you just let your AQ conquer territories as they get fed into the range your AQ applies for one at a time. However, if there are multiple territories that your AQ can hit, the AQ will target the strongest of those territories first.

Here's an example: My AQ is at 50%. In the first image, what is pointed at with a red line are the territories my AQ can hit. In the second image what is pointed at in dark green is which one was hit, the ones that were not hit are pointed at with a red line.



Edited 1/7/2022 23:05:35
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