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Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-06 21:56:00

Level 57
So I just finished Europe Huge. But I haven’t done any hardened levels yet. Should I do those first? (Should I have done them already?)

Will I miss out on anything if I ascend before doing those?

I assume it’s better to spend the AP to ascend than replay the levels for less AP, unless I’m missing something.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-06 22:04:28

Level 63
yes, yes, and yes.

You will beat the first few hard levels with ease, the rest shouldnt be too hard either. (The ap is really worth the effort!) The only hard levels I didnt do before ascending were Hard Trisk and Hard Europe, and I'm regretting not playing those first.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-06 22:08:05

Level 59
check the rewards. some are worth it some are skippable. good to use a multi level on two of them, they are long and boring AF.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-07 16:41:31

Level 57

Do you know if you get achievements for completing all the techs on the hardened levels, or is it considered the same level? (Is there any benefit to completing all the techs, other than to help you through the level? or should you just finish if you can?)

What about after you ascend?
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-07 16:44:16

Level 63
Hardened levels have their own Achievements for completing the Techs.

Some Techs are better than others, I personally skip a bunch that I don't need, but this will vary based on what Advancements/Artifacts/etc.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-07 16:45:36

Level 63
You get separate achievements for both completing the level and for completing the tech tree of hard levels. They are considered separate levels.

Each hard level also has a special reward:
  • Hardened Ursa:Luna, Superpowers, allows you to use 5 powers at once to double their effect
  • Hardened Peloponnesian War, Seeing Circles, Makes it easier to spot the draft icon
  • Hardened Siege of Feldmere, Couch Potato, Increases the rewards from watching ads from 20% to 30%
  • Hardened Copper Cree Castle, The Legend, Gives an Epic Triple Strike
  • Hardened Far Land, Rock Candy, Gives a mine doubler that can be used to double ore from a selected mine
  • Hardened Old Town, Super Armies, Increases armies from the Supercamp by 10%
  • Hardened Scandinavia and the Nordic Countries, 4th Boy, Gives a 4th slot that can only hold an active artifact.
  • Hardened Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, Gladiator, Increases rewards from arenas by 20%
  • Hardened China, Molification, Reduces dig time by 10%
  • Hardened Triskelion, Protection, Reduces damage taken from attacks in battles by 10%
  • Hardened Europe Huge, Updater, Adds an "Update All" button that updates all of your current idle levels

Out of those, I would recommend skipping Hard Trisk cause it sucks by far the most, and has a useless reward.

After Ascending, you keep the special rewards you unlocked, as well as powers, advancements, artifacts, coins, supercamp, and ore boosts. All the levels will be locked again, so you have to start from the Tutorial again. The good thing about Ascending is that you can replay all the levels without getting a 30% AP reduction for each time you replay it.

Edited 1/7/2022 16:48:24
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-08 10:02:18

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
I have finished yesterday europe huge hardened and triskelion hardened (using my last multilevel power) in 3 days 2hours.
By this way : reach the big mercenary camp, and super power inspire mercenarys (*10). Well, i suppose good players know that.
For next games, after ascend, i'm not sure i will have powers inspire mercenary.

No I am in phase 4

But I don't understand the reward for europe huge hard and this new button

Edited 1/8/2022 10:03:50
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-08 10:04:23

Level 63
The new button just updates activities in all your ongoing multi-level games. So if you don't have any Auto-advancements active, all it's going to do is reset your Idle time for each level you're playing.

If you have Auto-adv's going, then it will do captures/make purchases/etc, depending on what you've got enabled.

It's an alternative to having to manually go into each game separately, do nothing, then exit and go to the next, just to keep your idle time from running out on each.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-08 10:48:33

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
Well, thanks, i see.
I'm far to have enough advancement points to pay "simultaneous level" (13301 points).
i m discovering the news advancement phase 4, very interesting (auto upgrade hospital, hospitals better, auto technologie, auto buy in market, etc) to have before i think.

Reset idle time is not hard, i have to go in the game. And it is for 1 game (maybe two).
I have 9hours of idle time because i sleep sometimes!

If I want to progress fast in the level, i must do all the job manually. The computer doesn't choose good way to finish level, particulary for auto-conquest.

But i'm a little feed up and with phase 4 i think i will not play manually
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 03:42:54

Level 63
Tbh the game never gets to a point where you can just play automatically. I suppose I might be as close as it gets now, I've got all the useful autos unlocked. Some autos like Auto-upgrade Mines will actually wreck your game play pretty darn quickly, and you'll likely never finish any level with that on. Esp if you have Auto-Purchase Markets as well & Auto-Conquer. It'll capture what it can, get any caches in sight, max out your markets, then siphon your money into mines that you don't need ore from. Throw in Auto-Upgrade Camps and it'll use whatever money is left from mines when they get too expensive anymore and unnecessarily upgrade your camps. Then a 3-day map will likely become a 30-day map b/c you won't be able to afford any mercs, and you'll be forced to smelt & craft & sell to make money. But unless you disable those dreadful autos, you'll likely still end up wrecking yourself.

The closest the game gets to "auto" playing is going straight for the hospitals & markets, going straight for the really big territories that you truly need to ensure you capture via JS (like the 1.1T on HEH), and when you've cleared enough that you're confident you can finish the rest even with a bit of non-optimal non-JS, like AQ rip and watch the territories fall like dominoes.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 13:49:30

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
Indeed, it is not optimal without join strike.

I have the feeling that the auto-buy in market doesn't work, i saw in challenge level

Edited 1/9/2022 13:50:00
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 17:36:00

Level 62
Auto-buy works, but it only gets activated when the buying price is lower than the unbuffed selling price.

It stops working after the buying price reaches the raw selling price without advancements and artifacts and stuff.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 17:50:46

Level 63
So that means it only really works in about 20-30% of the time then....

EDIT: Would that be a bug?

Edited 1/9/2022 17:51:00
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 18:29:57

Tulsi 2020 
Level 62
Beat hard Europe with one simple trick. There is a mercenary camp in St Petersburg or Estonia or something around there that has half the mercenaries on the entire map. If you supercharge inspire mercenary there beating the level is simple even if you don't have a lot of ap yet. You will have to have beaten whatever hardened level gives superpowers first.

If you can afford the coins I'd do the 30% bonus thing, then play the level 2-3 times each time you get to the end before ascending. The level comes with a decent number of inspire mercenary powers but you can farm more powers from other hardened levels to spend there.

Triskelion is a bitch, it's way harder than Europe.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 20:31:51

Lord Pal'horde.
Level 62
About map, let's remember this link :
for all maps.

In europe and triskelion, basic and hardened , there are (at the same place for basic an hardened) :

-a big mercernay camp

-a big territories to take. Legendary triple strike could help, but with super inspire mercenary the big camp, it is not always necessary.

One problem : maybe the powers (included inspire mercenary ) are not renewed even after asend (or paly the game many time without ascend). Will the strategy with super inspire work a long time? I don't know.
I did only 2 ascend.

Wel, in evervy case, here pictures with these specials territories
Europe :
https://i.ibb.co/02QT0JB/europ.gif (big camp just at east of St-Petersbourg)
Triskelion :

(values for basic level)

It take a little time to reach the big camp, it is not so easy.

Edited 1/9/2022 20:32:42
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-09 20:34:08

Level 30
Powers can only be collected twice, even after super ascension. Because Fizzer.
Should you do the hardened levels before ascending: 2022-01-11 15:58:50

Level 62
wrong thread

Edited 1/11/2022 15:59:14
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