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Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-08 21:36:23

Level 61
I have this ww3 scenario https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=28951081 and need a mod that makes enemy bonuses in a custom distribution game obsolete in a local deployment game.

The idea is, say Russia takes an American bonus. Russia can not deploy the bonuses armies but only strips America of the bonus. However, if America were to get the bonus back they could still deploy armies. This concept would be the same vice versa.

It would be realistic to allow Russia to deploy Base income on the bonus.

Edited 1/8/2022 21:37:26
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-08 23:51:47

Level 61
I have written some mods in the past, and this seems to be impossible in the current mod framework, except if you want a really hacky solution which be kinda unworkable to play with.

What you need is to completely rewrite local deployments, as there is no way to toggle off the reuirement to deploy for "just" a few bonuses. So, you need an entire new menu for this mod, and for each game, the host has to select all the allowed territories for each player using some unworkable UI.

I doubt it is worth the effort.
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-09 01:36:16

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Mods are getting the ability to do this in the next update.
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-09 07:45:29

Level 61
Oh that's cool to hear! I heard from Dutchman that he was wanting to ability to manipulate the fog and was looking forward to the methods, hopeful that there was going to be a mod update. I'm kind of excited for the mod-makers. As creative as they are, we'll get some interesting mods.

Better cities is my favorite for all the work put into it and I am down for a capture the flag mod. This update might make it possible.
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-09 22:45:31

Level 60
i thought this would be really difficult, but the core would be pretty easy actually and is quite easy to create right now.

-assign a bonus name to a slot and save this
-for every deployment, check which bonus is the event bonus
-if the event bonus is in the table of allocated bonuses, check who is the player who triggered the order and which slot he was assigned to
-if the slot is not the same as the slot that was allocated to the bonus than skip the order

maybe the other way around is a good option to. instead of skipping the order you can double (maybe more, better configuration) the armies deployed. this will lead to less confusion since skipping orders get noticed and event orders way less
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-09 22:55:06

Level 61
It seems complicated and might be a mess if you're manipulating the programmer code. You call it a "work-around" in the capture the flag but pennants is something I'd like to see though that sparsely has anything to do with it.

The "work-around" is clever and I give you kudos but it's difficult for players to know what they're getting themselves into. They have to have prior knowledge of the mod and what it's capable of or would be lost and that's no fun. Explaining is something I'm not good at because people like to feign ignorance and not fully understand what I mean and this just aggravates me.

I'd much rather it be a simple method than one with winding roads that might do the trick but is very complicated for users who don't want to learn the rules of the game and would rather just play it. There are those that don't play mod games because it either ruins the experience for them of what they're looking for or they just don't like the added features.

Simpler is better. Like those people who can't seem to accept Pluto isn't a planet. I appreciate all you do though and I think you're a magician with it, especially the way you take it and make it work to your advantage. I do think you have a future in it. It's like you're explaining to Derfellios that, yes it is possible. I like that. A lot of people say it's not possible when there is indeed a way.

Edited 1/9/2022 23:15:39
Mod for Realistic Local Deployment: 2022-01-09 23:38:20

Level 60
Mods are getting the ability to do this in the next update.

BIG HYPE! When is the next update :P Crossing my fingers for some other mods stuff too (like changing fog status and assets from WZ idle which would be huge)

Edited 1/10/2022 14:28:09
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