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Selectable Bonus Panel -> User InterFace Need: 2022-01-18 23:31:21

Doctor K 
Level 61
Bonuses in the Map.

Need a scrollable sortable bonus panel. Selectable and map-highlighted linked. Everyone can see all bonuses all the time, regardless of fog of war (in game that I play this data is available. Maybe there is a fog level that obscures it...not sure.)

EDIT: In Other Words... while playing a game, you click a bonus in list. It highlights the bonus on the map. AND its the Same For Every Map.... The Same for Every Map... Right now... it is different every map. I am *always hunting for bonuses.*. Give us a bonus panels:

EDIT 2: Yes, you can access the bonus via a pop-up that covers the map. Nice. but can you make it: 1. Not a pop-up and 2. Not cover the map?

Starting this Thread to flush out Comments and Questions... If you like this idea, give it a thumb up. If you can improve it... even better, give it a comment.

Doktor K

Edited 1/18/2022 23:50:46
Selectable Bonus Panel -> User InterFace Need: 2022-01-18 23:36:03

Level 63
If you go to a game and then Game > Statistics (shortcut Y on pc), you get the statistics window. If you look at the Search tab, you will find a list of all bonuses and territories, with highlight button.

Selectable Bonus Panel -> User InterFace Need: 2022-01-18 23:37:55

Doctor K 
Level 61
That's nice... so yea make that panel available in the game? I need it next to the map... so when I click it ... it highlights that bonus.

That would be nice.... especially in big maps.....and it should be the same for every game. Not different... like now right?

Edited 1/18/2022 23:40:23
Selectable Bonus Panel -> User InterFace Need: 2022-01-18 23:40:59

Level 63

The panel is available in every WZ game. If you want it next to the map, just open it up on turn 1 and dont close it afterwards. That doesnt work on mobile, but you shouldnt play big maps on mobile anyways.

EDIT: to get it to open up by default, create a userscript that runs on all https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=? pages.
Have it run the following code:

Edited 1/18/2022 23:55:31
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