Level 58
This is about a story from a future. Not the future, just a future.
When Microsoft bought warzone, they promised the players with annual elections. They will be responsible for improving the game by telling what the player base wants, passing a bill, and submitting the bill to Microsoft, keeping the game profitable whilst maintaining the premise of the game: not pay-to-win but free-to-play.
The first election was held in December 1, 2022, led by Fizzer, who still operates warzone, and set up the Warzone parliament with 60 seats. Thirty of them was elected by everyone, out of a pool of 42 candidates. Obviously there were parties, and the most popular ones were elected. The other thirty was elected by insider elections in the fifteen clans which performed the best in CW13, which used a logo for Microsoft, made by Colion, for the map. CoffeeMan and Rinnosuke was elected in our clan.
The next years would be relatively stable. The clan member cap was removed, hence attracting more people into clans. By the end of 2023, 9 out of 10 people over level 20 was in a clan. The playerbase increased as the game was renamed Warlight and had collaborations with their Call of Duty franchise. The veterans liked the administration, and most of them stayed.
But when Warlight became one of the most visited indie game websites, the radical newbies rebelled. They were sick of how Microsoft, whose administration worsened rapidly towards other games since Bill Gates died, ruled over the game, like a tyrant. When leaks of Microsoft attempting to charge one coin every time players create a game, the protested. They led the playerbase to boycott the website. They raided games created by the veterans and spammed the chats and forum. The veterans, which had a majority in parliament, led by Harvey Beck, passed the "Website Security Act 2027", which limited accounts less than one year old over certain things, such as buying membership or levelling up more than level 49. Even their right of speech in the global chat and forum, was limited and filtered. The protests immediately died down, and the radicals lived in fear, with some banned and deleted, and some limited from some functions while playing the game.
Several months later, some man of higher standing made enormous changes to the parliament. Thirty more seats were added, and along with ten seats from the universal election slots, were designated for Microsoft representatives, most of them don't even play the game.
And here we are today. The newbies are silenced or brainwashed with veteran doctrines, some dating back to the early 2010s, repelled from the ancient clans until brotherhoodly trust from leaders has been acquired. Even if they joined the clans founded when before CW was a thing, they would be biased, and outvoted during elections. By the election of December 2028, the youngest account created which had a seat in the parliament, was created in June 2026.
Nonetheless, Warlight was still entirely free, and the spirit of not being pay-to-win, was still upheld.
Author: A mysterious figure in World League, joined in 2024 Date of writing: March 2029