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5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 15:56:10

Level 56
that you are right about sir
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 16:08:44

Level 58
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 16:14:19

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Something else.
Probably you should remove smokey black with black stripes? :)

EDIT: If I play on brightest settings I see a difference but, eh... ;)

Edited 2/8/2022 16:16:14
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 16:15:57

Master Hotarian 
Level 58
lol agreed
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 16:38:05

Level 60
I've made a new map that might work for 100 player FFAs if you use overridden bonus values. Just remember, that it's defiantly not a lottery map.


Edit: Fizzer seems to have reverted the map back to development mode. lol

Edited 2/8/2022 16:49:12
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 17:18:58

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Smokey black with black stripes, royal blue with deep blue diagonals, salmon with pink skulls, strawberry with red spots.
What is wrong with such colours?

Edited 2/8/2022 17:19:06
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-08 17:20:13

Level 58
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-09 17:03:39

Level 61
You cannot see black with stripes well. And it would be nice when you want to change a color of a player, which colors are already in use. Especially for big games you need that function.
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-11 22:18:37

Level 51
Broke my heart when I reached “Custom scenarios not supported”
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-11 22:55:03

Level 59
Custom Scenario Mega Games would be a nice Member perk. Being able to create 100 player diplos could be really appealing.
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-12 00:27:24

Level 57
I've been getting bored of warzone recently but this news has reignited my interest in the game. I've been waiting for bigger player games for years now, so this sounds awesome. But why no custom scenario for 100 player games? And I agree with the post above, members should at least get this feature!
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-12 00:35:14

Level 61
Custom Scenario Mega Games would be a way to make people join the game too.
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-12 17:07:51

Level 63
Thats gonna be some spicy diplo's once thats possible....
- downvoted post by Loxiiv
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-17 15:38:36

Clint Eastwood
Level 59
God, I can't wait until I can make a 100-player custom scenario diplo. That's something I'd pay real money for. Tempted to start making a template so I can have it prepared for when I'm finally able to do it.
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-17 15:55:24

Level 63
How would you keep everything straight in such a game? I have troubles following who is allied with/vassal of/at war with/etc in 40 player diplos.

It's compounded when people refer to other players with in-game names instead of actual player names, so then you have to remembered what the game-name of each player is and correlate it to the player-name, then track the colour/location of that player, and the associations of each player to the other players who also have the game-name/player/colour issue, and typically by turn 5, it's too much to follow.

With 100 players, the sheer volume alone with be mind boggling, but add the additional colour complexity of having to distinguish colour + vert/hori/diag stripings, seems mind bogglingly mind boggling.
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-19 14:46:09

Level 58
@counter argument krinid:

diplo is supposed to simulate real life democracy. I bet your [insert rl world leader] dosnt have a clue about good old jeff in Madagascar until he reminds himself
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-19 14:51:49

Level 63
How would you keep everything straight in such a game? I have troubles following who is allied with/vassal of/at war with/etc in 40 player diplos.

Diplo mod
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-27 04:38:32

Level 63
IRL doesn't move as quickly as WZ games. You're not allied with Jeff the Bold from Madagascar who is a vassal of Paul the Tidy from Israel on Monday, then become a vassal of Tim the Tower from Mexico who is an enemy of Paul and thus need to break alliance with Jeff on Thursday. And 1-2 weeks later, the world doesn't suddenly look totally different. And the problem expands from turn 5+ when usernames stop getting used in favour of "in game roleplay names" and people say things like "the Bold requests parlay with the Tower over matters with the ongoing incident between the Shredder and the Fledgling" (intentionally adding 2 names not mentioned yet here b/c that's what happens; maybe they're listed somewhere in the 500 lines of chat so far, maybe not, maybe it's in the game description, maybe it's in a doc on a Google site you need to reference, maybe it's just "understood"), and you see Paul is no longer in just Madagascar but also Peru, Nigeria and others, and Tim who you thought owned Mexico no longer possesses it and is somewhere in Asia, and you have no idea what the Shredder & the Fledging represent (home kingdoms/territories) align with, who their vassals are, what incident is being discussed, etc.

And IRL no one ever asks, "What country is it that Kim Jong Un aligns with?" lol. And if someone did happen to not know, Google can provide the answer in 5 seconds.

Diplo mod does not help keep any of the above items straight in a game. Diplo mod will simply prevent you from attacking those you haven't declared on or are allied with, but won't tell you that Jeff is "the Bold" or that his kingdom is Madagascar and that he is a vassal of Paul, etc. And without all that, alliances/war declarations are meaningless. In fact, once the turn # advances, it won't even tell you that Paul is at war with Tim, it only shows you who you are at war/alliance/peace with.

Edited 2/27/2022 04:40:32
5.18 Update Discussion: Mega Games: 2022-02-28 23:14:34

Level 55
@krinid Thats super fun. It makes it interesting when you have to scramble to remember things/write them down
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