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Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 19:48:06

Level 60
This is a message to the lottery games community. Do you want a new lottery map for mega games that allows for up to 100 players? Well, there's good news for you because I have made a map for that.


However, there is some bad news. Shortly after the map got published, Fizzer removed it. I messaged him asking him what I would need to do to get the map accepted and he thinks there is no demand for 100 player lottery games, so he's currently not allowing the map. He has said that if I can find links to 5 different lottery games with 100 players that get filled and played, then he'll allow the map.

This is where you come in. If you are in the lottery game community and you want to be able to play a lottery game with 100 players, show Fizzer there is a demand for such a map. I don't know what map we're supposed to be using for these 5 games, but let's give it a try.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 19:52:56

Level 60
So I've found a map that could be used for these 5 100 player lottery games. It has 101 territories and crucially, a bonus that contains 1 territory. We would just need to set the centre bonus to 1000 armies per turn and everything else to 0.

Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 19:56:12

Level 63
Not clear on what you're asking us (the community) to do?

If you're creating 5 games and you just want 100 people to join . . . post the links and let us do the rest.

If something else, let us know what it is you need.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 20:01:30

Level 59
Can't you scale lotteries to arbitrary size with an overridden bonus with a World Nations map and multi-attack enabled?

also, could've fooled me about Fizzer caring about what there is and isn't demand for. guess everyone was clamoring for the 40 cap on clans.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 20:02:31

Level 63
Here is a template in case anyone got a spare 700 coins: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1435970
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 20:02:59

Level 60
Well if lottery game community wants a lottery map for 100 player games, then they'll be willing to show Fizzer that he's wrong and there is a demand for such a map. I can't make all 5 games myself because that would be 3500 coins, so to create the games in the first place, I'm going to need help.

Also, I've found another map that might work for these 5 games. https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=10318
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 20:58:31

Level 63
also, could've fooled me about Fizzer caring about what there is and isn't demand for. guess everyone was clamoring for the 40 cap on clans.

He's used the 'not enough demand' response in a few cases to reject ideas. One that comes to mind is "swapping out players mid-game". So if someone surrenders/gets booted, another player could take over.

It only goes 1 way though. He'll reject things from the community that don't have enough demand, but don't expect him to look to the community to vote on ideas he's come up with himself to measure demand.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 21:04:50

Level 63
Well swapping out players sounds like something that would be rarely used. Kinda like banking banked time.

I gotta agree with Fizzer that a 100 player lotto on this map is unlikely. That doesnt mean the map is bad tho, since lotto maps can be used for loads of other things besides lottos.

EDIT: its a shame those games are so expensive, otherwise i might have made one

Edited 2/8/2022 21:05:32
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 21:11:53

Level 59
(deleted cause I don't wanna get banned while I have 3v3 ladder games going on)

Edited 2/8/2022 21:23:04
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 21:14:43

Level 63
i think the high price might be to keep them special

if only 1 in every 10k open games is a mega one, people are more likely to join them
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-08 21:48:15

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Imagine if Fizzer rejected https://www.warzone.com/Map/15987-Issanders-New-Strategic-System-Africa because of the same argument.

Edited 2/8/2022 21:48:22
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-09 00:19:14

Level 63
No other player in the lottery community with more links than me!]
recently spent my coins though so i can't
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-09 00:19:39

Level 63
100 player lotto is impractical anyway
having to spend coins to create makes no sense
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-11 19:18:34

Level 63
Here's a 100 person mega game lottery template . . . not actually made into a lottery b/c there's no single winning territory but essentially it is a lottery.


Actually not sure the map has bonuses for each territory, or some single territory with a configurable bonus to be made a 'lotto winner'. So maybe it doesn't work as an example.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-11 20:37:55

Level 59
There's no single-territory bonus on that map, krinid. The ideal map for a 100-player lottery is a 100-territory map with at least 1 single-territory bonus. Here's one: https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=29938

Here's a multi-attack lotto template on that map: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?TemplateID=1436389
You will need to be at least level 45 to create a 100-player lotto on this map (and of course need 700 coins, which is the more restrictive limit).

It's also a little bit ugly because the lottery winner would need to split their multi-attacks instead of just being able to unthinkingly attack everyone else at once.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-11 20:46:56

Level 63

This would work for 100 player lotto.

Make full dist, whoever picks & gets the '666' spot wins, and has benefit of being able to attack every other territory on the map.

This map would work as well:

Could have either Heaven or Hell as the lotto winner, also with access to every other territory.

Though tbh, not sure why justification is even needed to create a new map. Who cares if there is demand for it, lots of (most?) maps remain unpopular and go largely unplayed. But sooner or later someone may find a good use for it, lotto or otherwise.
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-11 20:49:37

Level 59
I think it was just a bs* excuse because allusernames' map looks very low-effort.

* bark shirt, pls don't warn me dan
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-22 18:26:13

Level 63
How is this going usernames?

Got 100 lottery players and 7k coins already?
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-22 22:02:46

Level 55
there's a "lottery community" community? lol

Edited 2/22/2022 22:03:07
Calling all lottery players: 2022-02-22 22:05:37

Level 63
Yell yeah, i've got

hanging above my imaginary fireplace.
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