This is a message to the lottery games community. Do you want a new lottery map for mega games that allows for up to 100 players? Well, there's good news for you because I have made a map for that., there is some bad news. Shortly after the map got published, Fizzer removed it. I messaged him asking him what I would need to do to get the map accepted and he thinks there is no demand for 100 player lottery games, so he's currently not allowing the map. He has said that if I can find links to 5 different lottery games with 100 players that get filled and played, then he'll allow the map.
This is where you come in. If you are in the lottery game community and you want to be able to play a lottery game with 100 players, show Fizzer there is a demand for such a map. I don't know what map we're supposed to be using for these 5 games, but let's give it a try.