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Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-17 16:57:13

Level 62

Details about Champions League are in the previous post: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/585296-champions-league-season-1
Group result predictions: https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/a3416853-f8d1-47ef-94aa-2347b7f61ae3?s=rWJULEc7Huw
Results: https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/aed6360a-c18b-4004-b6b7-ded9ada1b3d9/page/shmeC

Hello everyone, group stage of Champions League is over. Small recapitulation of the results:

Group A
Biggest favourite of this group was almosttricky, while Wazz and Gyca were expected to fight for the second position, Andre was predicted to finished last. Reality was different - Wazz became leader of the group since beginning till the end, while almosttricky was the last. He did great finish and tie the score with second Andre and this group had to went to the tie break. And Andre held his second position and secure his promotion. Gyca finished last.



Score Timeline

Group B
Expectations for promotion went for Hergul and Xenophon. Lepanto was predicted as third and Enkeveh the last. After first half was it Xenophon who won all three games while the rest of the players had score 1:2. In the second half Hergul decided to not continue in the journey through CL so it looked on the battle between Enkeveh and Lepanto for the second promotion spot. It was Enkeveh who won this race, but he also achieved to tied score Xenophon, but because they both were on promotion spot, there was no reason of tie break. Lepanto finished 3rd and Hergul finished 4th.



Score Timeline

Group C
In this group was huge favourite Hades, Ursus was expected to finished second, Phaeril third and Relajate fourth. Two favourites leaded the group since the beginning and Relajate with Phaeril played for 3rd place. It was Relajate who finished ahead of Phaeril and it was really important placement in the end. Ursus decided to retire from Warzone and Relajate took his promotion spot.



Score Timeline

Group D
This was probably most unreadable group, but favourite was kwihade and Brak, SkekUng was expected third and Chazz fourth. Kwihade went fastly 2:0 while the rest of the group were close each other. Brak started to loose and from the cofavourite became the underdog. SkekUng was tied with Chazz for a moment but after that he started to chase kwihade and in the end they both finished tied. Chazz finished third and Brak last.



Score Timeline

Elimination Stage
link: https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer/Tournament?ID=47416

Edited 2/17/2022 16:57:46
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-17 17:54:07

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
I can easily see that the predictions are fake by the mere fact, that Xenophon doesn't have 100%.

Edited 2/17/2022 17:54:39
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-18 11:07:18

Level 62
Predictions were done by community :)
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-18 22:17:06

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Then the community is wrong.
Xenophon will win 100%.
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-20 23:28:37

Level 62
Wazz is the first semifinalist after beating Andre
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-25 01:26:48

Level 62
Hades and Enkeveh are the others semifinalists
Champions League: Results of the group stage: 2022-02-27 23:38:54

Level 62
Quarterfinal is done!

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