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arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 22:34:50

Level 61
i played an arena in "United States" map.
First thing was when the map opened when an opponent was found the screen all went blue so i had to refresh the page.
then I won the arena, clicked on the arrow to go back to idle but led me to the multiplayer games.
clicked on idle but the icon of the arena i played was still here and the rewards from that arena were not given.

Any idea anyone?
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 22:36:09

Level 61
sorry forgot that if it may helps...
that is the link of the map
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 22:41:42

Level 60
This has happened to me as well. I don't usually mind playing more games, so I'll just play it again. I've lost the reward like that several times. 1 time it happened and I got the reward twice. I think there is something missing in the sync function. I always make sure I leave up the game as is to collect my reward. For example if I start the game on PC, but I have to run to the bathroom, the Arena is linked to the Quick Match system, so I can play the game from my phone, but I have to go back to my PC and click the back button from there to collect the reward.

Just to be clear, if there is a disruption like that, you seem to lose your reward. This is because the game is sever based, and any data not uploaded before a rewrite is lost. If this is an issue for you, you can send a bug report next time it happens. Help > Contact > Send bug report. That way Fizzer can fix the problem

Edited 2/17/2022 22:44:00
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 22:45:10

Level 61
thanks for that!
so now there is no way to get the rewards without playing it again...

As for me i just played on my computer so no sync issue here.
I think it is only due to that "blue screen" when the map opened which is happening a lot of times, very annoying
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 22:58:18

Level 60
Correct. If you reloaded the page, the connection of the Quick Match game lost it's connection to the Idle game. I'm not sure how the data works exactly, but if you click back to the Idle level, there is a button the appears that says "Arena game in progress" which you can click to go to your game again. You can also open another tab and play your game there. Once you reload the page (which is what I'm assuming you did here), only the existing data set is refreshed, and it's ties to the previous page is lost.

Again, if it's happening a lot, you should send a bug report to Fizzer because that's how he knows there is a problem to fix. He may also ask for device and system info. Many of us had problem a while back, and he couldn't replicate it, so he bought devices like we had off ebay to test on & fixed the issue
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-17 23:03:29

Level 61
well somerimes i got what you say and by clicking "resume" i can go back tto the arena and rhen come back again to idle and get the rewards, but this is not always happening..
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-18 02:28:12

Level 25
Hey, I'm no arena player and therefore I might not be able to understand the problem completely, but hearing these and other comments seems to indicate that there is a general design flaw with how the two modes (idle and quick matches) are linked together (*). But then again, there are quite a few links between idle and classic that seem a bit haphazardly.

(*) If I start a quick match from the usual MP screen, it should directly save (with the game details, like players, map, settings) the potential reward for normal MP games, and starting one through the idle arena should directly save the potential idle rewards. Such that no matter on which device you play and finish/win the match, the reward will never get lost. I get that this would mean a re-design of parts of the MP lobby, but honestly, otherwise the different modes should never have been mixed together. The whole "start idle games on multiple devices will risk any save states" attitude itself could backfire any day now that idle is out of beta. And the arena reward thing is clearly just an extension of the way idle games work (or don't work) with multiple devices.
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-18 07:43:49

Level 60
Or in this case, with a single device. Yeah.
arena won but not credited: 2022-02-18 11:21:24

Level 25
Which still seems to me like a sync error, so, yeah, ...
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