I personally really like Local Deployment games. They are more realistic, requires you to plan ahead with your tranfers and most LD games have a longer turn duration then without it. The only, but major downside to LD is that it takes
a lot of time when you have like 25+ bonuses, having to deploy in every bonus and transfer these troops to a frontline where they're actually are useful.
Well, I've good news for those who like to play a LD game from time to time, because with this mod you can safe a lot of time making your orders!
The mod has 2 features, 1 for the game creator and 1 for everyone playing in the game.
- It has an automatic bonus overwriter, that allows you to play LD on every map. Ever wanted to play with LD on Europe Huge? The mod will automatically overwrite all superbonuses to 0, allowing you to play LD on it. This feature will overwrite all negative bonuses to 0, more about this later on
- The other feature and the main purpose of this mod is the orders helper function that can be found in the mod menu. This feature can be used in T2 and basically copies your orders from last turn and places them into the current turn (Big thanks to TBest who came up with this). You're able to add all your deployments from previous turn, make all your important moves you want to happen in the beginning of the turn and then add all the transfers from the previous turn!
This mod is already public, so you might have seen some games using it.
At last, there are some incompatibilities with other settings. The setting I've found are:
- Army cap
- Army multiplier (can be configured if the game is a commerce game)
- sanction cards (both normal sanctions and negative sanctions)
- negative bonuses (may be present on maps. Use the automatic bonus overwriter to overwrite these)
When one of the things above is included in a game it may occur that the deployment helper function will not work properly, deploying either to much or to less. In the first case, Warzone won't allow you to commit your orders since you cannot deploy more than you should be able to. I will look into this into the future, but don't expect these incompatibilities to be solved quickly
Again, big thanks to
TBest, who allowed me to use his original code.
Also thanks to JK_3, Zazzlegut, krinid and El Teoremas for helping me test this mod