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Plateau Assault Gold Star: 2022-03-07 17:57:56

Level 35
I can't seem to find the trick to staring this map single player. The AI calculates the exact number needed to stop any assault yet keeps expanding so you cannot brute force your way past any territory. Ive met the AI territory with 1 ending army and loaded it up with max armies next turn (30+) many times and it always stops you from taking even 1 territory. If you try to fake it out and not attack, it does the exact same thing. If you drop the number of attacking armies, it reduces its attacks accordingly. This seems to be an AI hack going on here where the AI is using your starting positions to calculate its defenses and attacks giving it an unfair advantage. Ive read in other threads that the AI only calculates off ending position but this is obviously not true with this level as surrendering reveals the calculations used are exact every time.

There is an unusual lack of information about this level on net searches which leads me to ask here.

Edit: Best so far is 17 with engagement of both enemies at second turn. Had the potential of 14 only if never lost one attack.

Edit: Another thing is the ally AI is a joke and refuses to defend itself where the opposing AI will ALWAYS defend and attack.

Edited 3/7/2022 20:25:30
- downvoted post by mitm
Plateau Assault Gold Star: 2022-03-07 23:46:56

Level 63
do you have the link to this level? i havent unlocked it yet
Plateau Assault Gold Star: 2022-03-08 03:21:46

Level 35
- downvoted post by mitm
Plateau Assault Gold Star: 2022-03-08 06:03:57

Level 35
Gold star. In hopes this will help here is what happened.

It came down to reinforcement cards and which enemy AI played them.

My ally AI had a enemy AI spawn right next to it and this time it actually did its job. I noticed that the enemy AI got 3 reinforcement cards in total and all were used in combat with me, not the ally AI. That allowed the ally AI to hold its ground enough to get a bonus and turn the tide on the attacking enemy AI. After that the ally AI kept attacking rather than blindly taking random territories and leaving itself open to attack. This was the first time this happened in dozens of attempts.

Those 3 reinforcement cards played against me were the only reason I stared in the end as my ally AI was able to stop the progress of the AI attacking rather than being crushed in 2 or 3 turns. That gave me time to work over the AI I was on and catch up to the ally AI and finish off its attacker. The last reinforcement card the enemy AI played was on the last turn, 14, as a last ditch effort to deny a gold star but by then I was deploying 50s so it didn't work.

I used the same approach as outlined previously and got lucky that both my ally AI and the enemy AI spawned right in front of the East Fall Cave entrance, which allowed me to catch the enemy AI before it was able to get out of range of 14 moves for gold star. The AI I was on spawned where I wanted in East Roads so the natural attack of north east flow was exactly what was needed to star.

Edited 3/8/2022 06:14:46
Plateau Assault Gold Star: 2022-03-08 18:10:40

Level 63
I'm glad you found a solution to your problem. Congrats on your gold star!
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