The deadly trio map settings seem to be way to strong to star. is video of this same map being stared but I don't see the same results when I play it. I see double to triple the armies shown in that video always. I also see the northern AI always defending with 25+ if I end the turn with a large stack in the last territory before busting its bonus.
I have to attack that border territory and leave only 1 to 3 armies and then dump a large stack on it next turn instead. Doesn't really mater in the end as the northern AI will have 50 to 100 stacks waiting in the wings in 2 turns to wipe you out anyway.
The other noticeable difference is in how low the enemy AI stack counts are in that video compared with what I see at the same turn and positions. At minimum they are double. By turn 11 I see massive stacks into the 170s on some occasions. I can beat the level but I see no path to a star by turn 22 under any circumstance other than the AI just not defending itself intentionally.
Lastly, the ally AI are way to stupid to be anything other than a hindrance. One is semi intelligent and the other is a absolute joke and always deploys in places totally unrealistic like dropping a 30 ten territories away from its front lines.
Ive noticed in alot of these map its just best to kill your ally AI as fast as you can rather than trying to even work around it. I would do that here but there just isn't enough time and armies to do it.
Any suggestions on the best route and starting positions to star?
Edited 3/16/2022 17:21:55