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Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-03-17 15:06:39

Level 57
Are there any games out there similar to Warzone? (I'm open to games like Classic or Idle. After all, those two are pretty different)
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-03-17 15:16:43

Level 59
There's none with quite the same mechanics or anything close. But there's a whole genre of Risk-like online games: Conquer Club, Dominating 12, WarGear, Warfish, LandGrab, Major Command, Victors United, and ofc Risk: Global Domination (the officially licensed Risk game, except it's only nominally f2p). Except WarGear and Warfish, all of these just pretty much work the same way as Risk the board game; only Warzone/Warlight has the sort of mechanics that make the game strategic and exciting.

There's also At-War, which is Risk-like but has wildly different mechanics (different unit types, fortifications, etc.). If you're just looking at the broader 'stare at a map and pretend you're conquering the world' genre, then that's huge: there's a bunch of io games (territorial.io, generals.io to name a few), Paradox games, a bunch of mobile games, etc.

But nothing exactly like this game or close enough to work as a substitute.
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-03-17 15:19:28

Level 57
I knew Warzone was unique to pretty much everything. Thanks for the list!
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-03-17 15:48:08

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Just type "Idle" in the browser and you will have hundreds of clones of Warzone Idle.
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-03-17 17:09:36

Level 59
Yeah, there's a lot of incremental games: https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/wiki/list_of_incremental_games

Warzone Idle is a blend of the last 4 archetypes on this list but mainly falls in the Multi Resource Management genre: https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/6jfuxq/list_of_incremental_games_by_archetype/

So you can probably find approximate substitutions for Idle in that list. That said, Warzone Idle is still genre-blending & defies the best practices of incremental game design, so if you're looking for an exact substitute you won't find it. (That's true for most games- you're not going to find an exact substitute for Teen Titans Battle Blitz either.)

Edited 3/17/2022 17:10:05
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-04-16 12:14:51

Level 65
Barbie Horse Adventures
Games Similar to Warzone.com?: 2022-04-16 13:17:16

Level 56
There was Warlight.net, but that was far superior to Warzone.com and not at all similar
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