As we say in Dutch: "own praise stinks".
We say so in germany, too. Although I dont really care, if someone urgently needs to appeal his ego by fishing for compliments and praise.
Are we really saying that only good maps should be published?
What is wrong about good maps or only good maps? This forum is a good start to get in touch with some experienced map creators, who are able and willing to offer some help with the current map project. as everyone needs of course some time to improve his capabilities. But you are right, it is hard to realize this idea. although the whole thing havent been part of the discussion so far. By the way this quote implies that you agree with the mentioned lack of quality within most or some of skunks maps.
I understand resentment towards someone who "blows his own trumpet" but that doesn't give anyone the right to insult the work he has genuinely put in.
How could someone literally insult the work someone has put into something? Those are reasoned criticisms. They havent been insulting or polemic in any case. everyone should be free to mention its opinion even if it is unfavourable.