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Warzone + Map army?: 2022-04-25 23:17:39

Pierre Reynaud
Level 58
Hey everyone,

Not really sure where this belongs, so I was playing a game with some team members and we just deployed, and everyone is all over the place, it's hard to see what we should go for and what is the action plan.

Now, I was thinking, why not use Paint and copy the map, draw some circles and tada, but then I thought that was too messy and maybe there was an app that could do it and that specialises in this kind of stuff, turns out, there is:


It's amazing, the only problem is that you would need to download the image file, which only the creator has, and the players would need to send over their map file to each other or everyone has a copy of it.

Is there a chance we could either implement it or collaborate with them to be able to use it, I might be going over the top, I mean people only use this to simulate campaigns and war strategies?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, this could turn into something great.
Warzone + Map army?: 2022-04-25 23:25:50

Level 63
Have you tried using links to the territories in team chat? (Chain link icon, or CTRL + Click with chat open)

If no, give that a shot. If yes, what kind of game where you playing where that was not sufficient?

The site you linked is looking great, but based on the gif they got playing in their home page, it looks like quite a bit of work to set up. If you have to update that each turn, its probably more effort than its worth.
Warzone + Map army?: 2022-04-27 11:21:07

Pierre Reynaud
Level 58
I have tried that before, it's not bad but not enough when you want to plan zones of attack, show borders, point out attacks and other stuff like that, in a easy way without going back to the chat and click on every link.

I'm playing a tournament on the "Europe: Physical Map (Expanded)", there are 3 teams on the game, each team has 3 players, they all get 6 locations to deploy, and everyone is all over the place even though we get to select where we start.

It seems a bit much but they explained quite easily how you can upload a fictional map and then you can start placing the zones and other points of reference on the map.
You might to update once in a while but the map and symbols stay there, would be nice to just take a screenshot of the game, post it, and adjust the plan to the current plan, you can even hide previous plan or scenarios.
I think it would be nice, if Warzone could take a screenshot of the current game with all their details, maybe as a premium feature? Then you just need to paste it and share the link with the team players.
Or at least help you plan for the future, and have a better vision of what you can do.
Warzone + Map army?: 2022-04-27 12:25:12

Level 58
that would be a fun idea for fizzer to update, tactical maps. would help make strategy more intresting if u could visulize a goal u have
Warzone + Map army?: 2022-04-28 09:59:24

Pierre Reynaud
Level 58
Agreed, it would be easier to plan and think what to do next, would make this game even more unique.
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