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Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-10 13:50:52

Level 62
Is there a map/guide online that shows where key points on each map are?
For example: Hospitals, Amy Camps, Markets, big territories to us triple or quad strike on.
or does the location change every time you play a map?
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-10 14:04:07

Level 63
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-10 14:34:00

Level 25
or does the location change every time you play a map?

no, they don't change every time you play a map, but they change from time to time. If they change, you will find a hint in the blog post along the lines of "idle maps got re-generated, the new maps are revision (some number)". The current revision is 19. Latest re-generation was this game update: https://www.warzone.com/blog/index.php/2021/10/update-5-15-new-quickmatch-options-more/
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-10 17:40:33

Level 63
If the maps do regen ...

- caches: cache types, cache amounts, cache locations
- territory army counts can vary up/down (afaik just by ratios, typically the big territories (eg: Puzchezky, Danilov on HEH, Lhasa on HC, etc)
- dig sites, both locations & dig types/%'s

- locations of structures (army/merc camps, hospitals, markets, etc)
- recipe locations

So even if the maps change, those images can still be useful to navigate with, so long as you know what's the same/potentially different.

Edited 5/11/2022 01:19:17
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-11 01:09:22

Level 25
are you sure that even with the introduction of mortars for example, nothing changed?? Yes, usually only the numbers change, but you can't totally rule out that some structs might change given some new game mechanic. And it's usually new game mechanic that triggers map re-generation nowadays (while in beta map re-gen felt more frequent with only slight changes to the game).
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-11 01:18:59

Level 63
Not saying they will never change in the future. The 1st couple iterations since Idle inception did have a few changes, but everything since then has stayed the same. Don't care about mortars, and am not even checking, so if they change position, don't care, but they seem to be like caches & dig sites, where they appear to be an afterthought after all the main buildings have been placed.
Map for key points on maps: 2022-05-11 11:10:11

Level 25
I didn't mean the mortars' positions, I meant whether the addition of mortars shifted the location of camps, mines, etc. But essentially, I only wanted to make sure, that others don't make themselves dependent on these screenshots in the event they might actually move in the future.
Map for key points on maps: 2022-06-06 20:50:12

Level 26
Not sure if I should post this or not, but the "14.5 Hardened Far Land" map is missing a market on the west side. It shows on the normal version on the map but not on the hardened on for some reason. Just played it and can confirm the market appears. The only difference I ever noticed.
Map for key points on maps: 2022-06-24 14:21:20

Level 63
Muli must have played HFL during the period of time when HFL had 1 market removed. It has since been readded (whew!) but the map is from those dark days.
Map for key points on maps: 2022-07-22 13:48:27

Level 62
Posting so this link stays towards the top. I use it all the time.
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