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Onwards: 2022-05-13 10:34:18

Level 46
"She was the love of my life. We were going to have a happy life together."
"I know what it's like to lose the people you love, James. It hurts at first, but you'll eventually move on."
"It's been a year since she died, Alex. I haven't moved on. Seeing her not with me anymore still hurts me."
"You're still stuck in the past, James."
"James, I've been here too. I lost my father when I was 8. I couldn't handle looking at my father being buried. I couldn't gather the will to do anything for a few days until Mom helped me deal with the loss. She said to me, 'Cherish the memories you had with the people you've lost, but don't look back too much since that will not help you move on.' Look how I am now, James. I still miss Dad, but I've mostly moved on. My mother was there for me, and I'll be here for you."
"Alex... thank you. I don't know what to do after she died, but at least I can be happy knowing I have a friend like you."

(so i wrote this in around 30 minutes without much thought, so i'm sorry if this ain't good)
Onwards: 2022-05-20 13:12:41

Level 46
"James, are you okay?"
"Yes, Alex, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something."
"What is it, James?"
"It's been on my mind for several hours now. Would my girlfriend be proud of me for how far I've come?"
"Of course she will, James. If she is even half as kind as you said she was, she would still be happy that you have someone supportive. Remember who she was, and move forward. That's what she would have wanted."
"You're right. She told me that she wanted both of us to have a happy life. I can't let her down now."
"That's the spirit, James! Move forward in life, and remember your friends. I'll always be there for you."

(another 30-minute post, sorry if this ain't good quality.)
Onwards: 2022-05-22 23:58:09

Level 58
would you grant me permission to voice over this text and post on YouTube?
Onwards: 2022-05-24 14:13:20

Level 46
(You know what? Sure. Just send me the video link after.)
Onwards: 2022-05-24 14:35:56

Level 58
Onwards: 2022-06-11 12:33:06

Level 46
(so how's the progress going?)
Onwards: 2022-06-11 17:37:49

Level 58
(working on exams, PC broke, no time. worse: I cannot find motivation.)

Edited 6/11/2022 17:38:18
Onwards: 2022-06-11 22:36:20

Level 46
(okay. you can do it if you want to. it's optional.)
Posts 1 - 8 of 8