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First Ascension Statistics: 2022-05-22 11:57:06

Level 62
Maybe someone new into WZI finds this interesting, so I thought I share some statistics of my first playthrough of Maps 1-31 before ascending.

Start: 2022-02-13 at ~5 p.m.
End: 2022-05-21 at ~8 p.m.
Duration: 3 months and 8 days

Skipped levels: Hardened Old Town; Hardened Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire; 2x Trisk; Hardened Europe Huge

Collected APs: ~21.700 (including some 30% bonuses from coins)
AP/hour: ~9.3 (I chose to take playtime and not session time here as base)

Artifacts found/upgraded: 4 rare, 1 epic, 1 leg (plus a few fodder)

Stretch goals for playthrough #2: Cut the time by half and get my second legendary.

Have fun!
First Ascension Statistics: 2022-05-28 15:07:50

Level 60
How did you do it in 3 months? I've played for a year now and still need 7 more levels before Ascanscion.
First Ascension Statistics: 2022-05-30 13:35:16

Level 62
It might be that I get addicted easily and spend way to much time infront of WZI ;)

Edited 5/30/2022 13:35:29
First Ascension Statistics: 2022-06-06 08:09:11

Level 60
what advandsments do you have?
First Ascension Statistics: 2022-06-06 08:30:02

Level 62
My approach was to focus into just a few advancements, but max them. If I remember correctly, I didn't even unlock phase 3 due to that before ascension. But especially IACP is questionable as it becomes insanely expensive for quite little return, but ... I just like it.

IACP 250
Increased Cache money
Additional mercs 120
Merc discount
Increased Alloy Values

All maxed, except for IACP and additional mercs. For those two I tried to remember my stats a few weeks ago, since now I further increased it... Additional mercs is max now and IACP is at 370. But dont do IACP that far!!!
First Ascension Statistics: 2022-06-06 18:08:04

Level 60
wow add mercs at 120% i'm at like 30% and It's already getting expensive
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