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can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 16:43:46

Level 15
I started a 2v2v2v2 game, but only have 7 players. It is a game with co-workers so I'd prefer to fill the last spot with an AI if possible. Can I do this without recreating the game?
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 16:53:31

Level 63
If the game hasn't started yet, you can replace the last open seat with an AI (with the Add/Remove Players button), but in that case you're probably better of waiting for a human to join the last seat.

if the game already started, you will have to remake the game.
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 16:56:01

Level 15
sorry for asking, but where is the Add/Remove players button? I see the host-only control window that gives me Delete and Start, but not sure where else to look.
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 17:00:10

Level 63
Your Host Controls should look something like this, so im not sure where your button has gone:

Can you maybe share the link of the game? [Game (green menu) > Settings > Full Settings > Link (click to copy)]
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 17:00:49

Level 63
Oh, maybe you're using invite by code, that could make a difference, but I doubt you used that.
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 17:03:29

Level 15
Ahhh I am indeed using invite by code. I will make a mental note not to do that in the future. Thank you :)
can I add AI to open seats?: 2022-06-13 17:08:57

Level 63
Glad we were able to figure it out :)

If you're using invite by code, you will have to wait until someone else joins before you start the game. Since you are not using any open seats, you will also have to manually share the game to get the 8th players to join, since its not being advertised on the open games page.
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