the Relite clan probably told aranka not to post, they're hoping this would blow away... but this doesn't make sense, since Announcer is the flagship account of relite? o.O
Actually that does make sense though.
The students monthly allowance is determined by how poor the parents are.
If parents are very poor the monthly allowance students get from the goverment is increased.
That means it's only fair for students of whom their parents have a higher then modal income to also support their own children.
Otherwise, being from a higher social economic status would actually be detrimental to one's scholary possibilities.
Furthermore, my financial backing from my dad is only temporarily.
I at least won't make a living out of the fact that other people pay for me while they do the work.
you're dutch, but studying in a foreign country (Australian)....
Maybe i'm wrong, but I doubt the Australian government would give money to foreigners to study in Australia...
You are calling me out for not contributing to society when you are a student and a leech and I am a contributing member of society. That has nothing to do with your social economic status. Fuck off.
One could argue that being a student, knowledge is a public good and that by gaining it she is contributing to the overall good that will allow her nation to have better jobs with better income.
What exactly is your argument that you contribute?
Pulsey - I'm not directly studying in Australia. I'm doing a research project here.
My official University is still the University of Maastricht. They have exchange programs.
Tigger - Students eventually end up in high knowledge based jobs and can through that measure contribute to a nation's economy and supply of services.
Also like Boston said, how do you contribute ?
Yes, the ♦ ɌeLite ♦ clan is here for real. We are newer and perhaps less established than the other clans, but we are easily the best clan in terms of skill. We have, in the past, been at the receiving end of things like impostors and threads dedicated to weaken our reputation and the morality of our members, leading many to think that our glorious clan is a prank. However, thanks to our ever-improving ways to counter these incidents, it shall be obvious to everyone that ♦ ɌeLite ♦ is the greatest clan of all soon, both on skill and reputation.
In response to myhandisonfire's meme...
As said previously, ♦ ɌeLite ♦ shall not reveal or confirm any of our Counter- YATRB methods. However, we once again request the extradition of your source to the ♦ ɌeLite ♦ high command.
Finally, the ♦ ɌeLite ♦ high command would like to remind everyone about our 14-3 win over the WM clan.