Castles Made of Sand: 2013-07-06 15:28:50 |
Level 58
Oh sacred Community, your Pied-Piper has created a new season. Be not sheep!
I have heated up turtle shells and after observing the cracks, I can see into the future.
Heed my warnings:
1. 12 games: on average, 2 games will end prematurely per player, passive acceptance
2. 2-day boot: lower participation, games won thanks to boots causing imbalances, fire and rage
3. No AIs for booted: 25-turn games completely change strategy, pointlessness, desire to vote to end
4. Castle map: good for occassional fun, not 12 intense games in a row, monarchical decadence
5. Creative geometrical map: "I will fight for rectangle 11 at all cost!" imagination? beauty of models of reality?
6. FFA: people will lose interest in FFA ladders, the first was done wrong
Castles Made of Sand: 2013-07-06 15:44:14 |
professor dead piggy
Level 59
There is a new seasonal ladder therefore there is a new Qi thread explaining to us why it is awful.
Castles Made of Sand: 2013-07-06 16:37:23 |
Addy the Dog
Level 62
I thought Myhand was the one who observed cracks?