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I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-04 08:25:13

Level 58
FYI Grincurvinding produces 0.3 silver and 1.19 gold per second on conquest.

Basically, in two of my Idle games I somehow managed to get Grincurvinding before I could even manage my silicon production. Somehow I am starting to get gold faster than aluminium. Is this normal? Fizzer, please fix this maybe?
I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-04 08:30:19

Level 60
You probably just took a mine you had the armies for. I at one time had Neodymium before silver because I used fog busster to find a hospital and the mine was on the way.
I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-04 09:13:03

Level 25
In case you belong to the portion of players who actually still smelt, be happy about this! Because if you only start conquering mines for some alloy when you need them, then the mines will always produce too little for what the recipes ask for. If you aquire the mines early they have more time to produce the ores for when you eventually need them.

And if you don't smelt, conquering them early means more time to collect more ores to sell for money. So, either way getting mines early isn't a problem at all. Still, you can skip particular mines and choose a different way, as mines show you their name on the map (when the territory is fog busted).
I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-11 17:34:34

Level 29
There is a list of mines and what they produce on the internet. I keep it in my favorites in my browser and refer to it frequently to decide which mine to capture
I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-11 20:20:04

Level 25
There sure is some information in the idle wiki, but it's not really extensive, just some basic facts.

On browser you can always find/rediscover it under: Help -> Wiki -> Idle -> (whatever topic you're interested in)
I got Grincurvinding way too early. Twice.: 2022-07-11 20:23:57

Samek ●
Level 57
Finding higher level mines early is a key strategy in blazing through the Idle maps early on. ^_^
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