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Crescent Island update: 2013-07-13 09:24:15

Level 57
I made some changes in the Crescent Island, hope it is now better than before:

- add 2 new waterways between center and left
- split the Crystal Oases into 4 bonuses
- changes in Elf Alliance, Human Union, Lilliput League superbonuses

Also I started to design a big version of Crescent Island, some territories already done, it will be something like this:

As always, any suggestions welcome
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-13 10:26:23

Level 58
I haven't played this map much, but it looks great. I love the little retro icons they remind me of the games i played long ago (warlords..mmmm).

I think u should try to join the mega bonuses, they are usually very hard to get when the territories are not connected. Other than that i can't really say more without playing it a bit :)

I'll be up for testing when it's done. Keep us updated :)
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-13 10:46:51

Level 57
The updated version is public yet, feel free to try :)

I have an idea about big version: maybe the new big island will be the outer crescent but the map contains also the original version as inner crescent (where are the quarter bonuses in the small version).

+ megalomaniac version: big island as outer crescent, original map as central crescent, plus a small island as inner crescent as one bonus where the original bonuses are the territories. Only if the warlight engine can handle this.

What do you think?
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-22 10:15:51

Level 57
Im thinking on a waterway system to avoid the isolation of the small version, just something like this:

Any suggestions may be?
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-22 10:24:15

Level 50
What are the spots in the corners ?
I assume they 're part of bonuses that are set on 0 standard ?
Maybe connect them over the edges of the map (make the world "round")
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-22 11:00:26

Level 57
Maybe I will make +1 northern, southern, western, and eastern shipping spot to make a circle, therefore no need to be the map round because can reach the edges by only 4-5 steps.

These shipping ways makes possible fast traveling but maybe would be good balance for this by letting these ways worthless in terms of income.
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-22 11:07:57

Level 50
I agree for making them worthless, though, sometimes players like to change settings around a bit, which is why i suggested making bonuses of them but setting them to 0 income ;)
Crescent Island update: 2013-07-23 10:36:17

Level 57
I made some new territories, but now just thinking on new features, nicely designed cities and forts, mountains, lakes, and other obstacles.

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