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Sort Artifacts?: 2022-08-06 14:28:09

Level 29
I may just be blind, but is there any way to sort artifacts by type or rarity? Having a hard time click-dragging these around into an actually-digestible format.
Sort Artifacts?: 2022-08-06 14:56:24

Level 63
I would love an auto sort on rarity, but there is unfortunatly no such thing r n :/

What I usually do is upgrade artifacts as soon as possible so there are less total artifacts, and then manually sort them.
It requires some effort to set up, but after that its easy to keep sorted.
Sort Artifacts?: 2022-08-06 15:04:57

Level 29
Ooooof. My life will be misery, but that's a good idea. Guess that's what I'll work on later this weekend.
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