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(Very) small feature request: 2022-08-12 19:33:52

Level 58
Can we get a count function for each time a mod has been publicly used in a game, for example:

Fort: 205
Don't lose a territory: 15
FreeExpansion: 1234

I think I speak for all of us modders when i say we get little shots of joy watching numbers go up as a mod is used more
(Very) small feature request: 2022-08-12 19:36:34

Level 58
This can also be used to show popularity of a mod and imply how reliable that is (as a broken mod wouldn't have been used much)
(Very) small feature request: 2022-08-12 20:27:32

Level 60

It would be great if the create game menu also just showed (and sorted) mods by number of uses (in the categories) I think, rather then the current way which is just alphabetically.
(Very) small feature request: 2022-08-15 16:56:40

Level 63
oh dang, time to make a mod thats called '!'
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