CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-23 02:10:08 |
Level 64
Warzone Creator
If you have any programming knowledge and play WarLight, please answer this poll:
If you were to develop a CLOT, what language would you most like to use?
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-23 02:14:06 |
Level 60
I voted, I am very new to learning to programming but I plan on making CLOTs once I become sufficient in programming.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-23 06:47:39 |
Level 61
i'm amazed at how many ppl chose java. i'm personally enclined to 100% javascript (replacing my old php code with nodejs reimplementation for example) but i probably wont bother with that rewrite when i reopen house of clots, will just improve the php codebase instead with user auth and proper db backend.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-24 00:55:21 |
Level 64
Warzone Creator
Preliminary results:
PHP 6%
Python 26%
Java 26%
C# 13%
Javascript 13%
Other 16%
I would have expected PHP to do better, as it's the most popular web language.
I feel like Java and Javascript are similar enough that it doesn't really matter.
They may seem that way at first, but they're actually very different languages. Javascript has a prototypal inheritance system which couldn't be more different from Java.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-24 07:53:44 |
Level 61
EagleBlast: as Fizzer was mentioning there are actually quite substancial differences between java and javascript. java is more ancient and robust, but at the same time slowly falling in disuse, javascript is more flexible and it's been growing in use during the last decade, most site frontends use javascript and recently some backends also use it (through nodejs) so it's quite more popular then java atm. especially with web developers.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-24 19:09:20 |
Level 61
i find java much more object oriented and javascript having plenty of low level quirks to be able to fully agree that it's a trivial transition. but i can see your point.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-25 05:00:19 |
Level 54
If you think Java and JavaScript are so similar, then why don't you consider PHP just as similar as well (and C++, Object Pascal, Perl, even *nix shell scripting...)?
All of them are object-oriented, imperative languages (a large majority of the well-known languages are in that group actually). Don't get me wrong, I understand why you think they are similar (and, up to a point, I even agree), but within the group of object-oriented, imperative languages, Java and JavaScript are actually pretty far apart.
In my experience, if you know one of them, you can pick up a working understanding of any of the other relatively easily (far easier than learning a functional or logical programming language for instance)... but just like with natural languages, most programmers seem to have a "native" language, which they are considerably more fluent in.
If I had my heart set on developing a CLOT, I'd learn or brush up on any of the languages in the poll. However it would take me far less effort to do it, in my case, in PHP (or even better, Pascal, but that's not a very realistic option :( ) then in, let's say, C#. So far, so good, but in turn that would influence the quality of my code, how quickly I can develop new functionality, how much time I can spend on coding (versus how much time I need for debugging), ... and in the end, my enjoyment of the project. That, in turn, influences (or even determines) how long I'll keep working on the project!
Of course I have no idea whether this is the background behind Fizzer asking the question, but it is at least the reason why I think it's an interesting (and important) poll.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-25 19:59:39 |
[WM] Anonymous
Level 57
I vote for Italian.
CLOT Language Poll: 2013-07-25 21:01:40 |
Level 54
I didn't want to start a debate either; it was a rhetorical question, background for the second half of my post. To put it a little more concisely: "What if "meh, whatever" is not a useful answer and you had to choose one specific language?".
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