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Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-24 13:55:26

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Congratulations! You just clicked my clickbait.
Here, take a cookie:
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-24 13:56:11

Level 63
[takes a cookie]

And kind of glad it wasn't just another tirade rehash of ideas already shared with little to no chance of getting implemented. (;
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-24 13:59:45

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62

Edited 8/24/2022 14:01:04
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-24 22:39:22

Level 59
The existence of an automated real-time clan-level community event is in itself a great good. CW is a nice way to get games and to have a common activity as a clan, and it's great that it's so widely advertised to players. Only Fizzer can muster the participation to support a reccurring real-time casual-inclusive event, so him doing so is a great big step for clans who were otherwise (from 2012/3-2021) left to organize their own events & come up with their own, toil-dependent answers to "What's the point of being in a clan?"
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-27 10:11:50

Level 63
RE: The existence of an automated real-time clan-level community event is in itself a great good.

However, it would definitely be nice if some of the community's ideas were implemented, or, at the very least, considered.

Edited 8/27/2022 10:12:16
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-27 10:35:17

Level 63
I would really like to see Fizzer join in on the discussion to provide some details about why things are the way they are, and why he is or isn't going to change them.
Right now, it's mostly one way traffic, where the community is posting loads of suggestions and actively trying to solve problems with the CW system.

(Also, @Chaos, I demand cookies!!!!)
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-28 12:30:39

Level 63
He has joined in on a few threads and also in AMAs. Mostly saying things like "this is nonsense" (in response to criticisms of CW mechanics), "CW is more popular than it has ever been" (as a justification for how things are, a testament to how users actually like CW the way it is/it is already good of; and this statement may even be true but ignores the point that it could still improve in many ways), and "no changes planned" (to shut down further discussion).

The communication dynamic between community & Fizz isn't good. Too much noise on this side, no real listening/attempt to understand the user base on the other.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-28 14:48:20

Level 58
^ and that's why I propose user voice

Oh wait...
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 00:10:35

Nice Guy 
Level 62
"CW is more popular than it has ever been" (as a justification for how things are, a testament to how users actually like CW the way it is/it is already good of; and this statement may even be true but ignores the point that it could still improve in many ways)

Prisons are more popular than they have ever been.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 02:31:01

Level 59

The communication dynamic between community & Fizz isn't good. Too much noise on this side, no real listening/attempt to understand the user base on the other.
As bad as the dynamic is on this site, look on the bright side: but for Warlight, Fizzer might be working on something that actually matters. Him being like this- dismissing feedback, burying information, outright lying when it suits him[1], stealing petty cash [$9.99] in broad daylight[2] when he thinks it's the right thing to do- is just a mild annoyance when the the stakes are the enjoyability of an indie game with 40-60k players. But at least it means he doesn't get to pull the same behavior somewhere with real stakes, where it would actually matter.

1: terry cloth (manually unbanning him, allowing him back on the site, and then banning him for ban evasion when it became public information that he'd allowed terry cloth back), Activision (telling players the case is about Warlight's right to keep using the word Warzone when instead Warilght is suing to be able to keep others from using that word- i.e., they're trying to trademark 'warzone' for themselves, and they're doing it with your money; that "100% made up" letter it turned out he actually sent, telling activision to stop using the word 'warzone' if they don't want to be sued for "massive damages"), gaslighting players on bans/suspensions/warnings (Kenghis Ghan)
2: see https://discord.com/channels/204926708795572226/407766929298948096/1008204626341929010 for context; he quietly deleted my non-rule-breaking clan (https://www.warzone.com/Clans/?ID=657) without explanation but pocketed the 999 coins, purchased with actual currency, and has simply ignored me for 5 months after I asked for my coins or money back or at least a replacement.

Edited 8/29/2022 03:01:02
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 02:53:00

Level 49
I think clam wars is fine. I half suspect any attempt to fix it would just make it worse.

Being tethered to a certain time sucks, but I don't see a legit way out. Not really enough players to sustain more time slots unless it's all SEAD all the time. I suppose you could go away from real time but that would be horrible. Quick easy and done with is my preference. if i wanted real time I'd open the multi player dashboard. I just want my benifits with minimal fuss and I guess by how popular SEAD and SE1W is, I am in the majority.

Having the games and time slots available before had would be easy to do and very useful with no real downside though. Sucks setting up for a time slot and there is nothing but cringe

Should be a SEAD or SE1W in every slot for those many of us who either don't have the skills and gonadal strength to do maps less luck dependent or couldn't be bothered with longer games.
Having a random map not in the usual mix would be nice if there is a third map or more showing for a bit of variety I could see as being a good thing.

It is a bit weird that some clams can have 40+ members and other's can't because of legacy, but not something I am going to start cutting myself over.

It might not be flawless but as they say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's a simple system, it works well enough
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 02:54:04

Level 59
I half suspect any attempt to fix it would just make it worse.
Does this apply to the changes you go on to suggest? I don't see how those could make CW worse.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:01:53

Level 49
"Having the games and time slots available before had would be easy to do and very useful with ***no real downside though***."

also having a popular map on every time zone also has no real downside.

Also I did say half suspect, quite frankly some of the recommendations seem very long and complex and I barely skimmed them.
Too Long, Didn't Read as the kids say these days.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:04:49

Level 59
Also I did say half suspect, quite frankly some of the recommendations seem very long and complex and I barely skimmed them.
Oh that's just become a pattern because players are used to getting their suggestions rejected and think it's because they didn't make the case well enough. There was even a player who used a class full of students and started work on a yet-to-be-finished report because he thought that's what's required to make a small change to the 1 v 1 Ladder rating system. This effort has been going on for a year and a half and at least one statistics PhD is closely involved.

Players on this site have this persistent delusion that their suggestions get ignored because they're simply not convincing enough. So they try harder and harder to make them convincing, when that was never the problem in the first place.

Edited 8/29/2022 03:05:39
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:06:01

Level 49
We all know the problem is Justin Beiber, the first evil.

Also the lack of cookie. COOKIE Num Num Num.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:08:08

Level 59
The problem is players feeling a sense of ownership over something they don't control instead of just accepting that what they have is as good as it gets and its future priorities aren't based at all on their own interests. Feature suggestions should at best be treated as thought experiments to explore ideas. The real solution is for the player base to make peace with its god.

The threads on this site are like hunter gatherers doing their rain dances. They pray and pray and pray to the god of rain, not realizing he is deaf and does not care much for them anyway even if he could hear them. They dance, it does not rain. They dance harder, make it more elaborate and longer and complex. They show the rain dance to their fellow tribesmen and they all agree the dance is very good, it makes sense, it should work. But they dance and it does not work. When they get rain, it's got nothing to do with the dance and it's not the rain they wanted or at the right place or the right time; it's how the water would have flowed anyway without their dances. They are just doing all these rituals prostrating themselves to the rain god for no reason, and they even continue to praise the rain god for his beneficence not realizing the truth that any fool outside their little cult could see.

Edited 8/29/2022 03:14:21
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:12:06

Level 49
I do wonder when I skim very long suggestions, are these really for everybody or are they for the way that particular player wants it.

I mean Soylent Green gonna Soylent Green.

It's not perfect, but it's good enough, brings forth swag without too much effort, gets some people excited. Considering there are ladders whatever they are, tournaments, quick matches, invite and player made multi player games, AI games on a path and community maps, and generic idle, there should be enough to keep everyone satisfied.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 03:16:02

Level 59
Exactly. You have seen wisdom. It's time to stop deifying the black clouds who come and go of their own volition, not ours. And it's time to end the rain dance.

We must make do with the rain we get. We must irrigate our own crops, create dams and reservoirs, move water from other parts of the land for when our own fields are parched. We must become our own gods and create the world we seek.
The rain god will not hear us. The rain god has not earned our praise. The rain god, when he rains sustenance, he does not do so for us; the rain god, when he rains acid, he still does not do for us. The rain god sees us the way we see rocks, absolute non-entities compared to our own wants. The rain god, if he exists, should know that we no longer hold him high, fear his punishment, or seek his favor... but that if we can find him, we will one day, and by that day he will have learned to fear us.

Edited 8/29/2022 03:23:12
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 15:03:30

Level 63
Rain god/rain dance . . . so funny, a great morning laugh. And actually fairly accurate.

Depends on the player/thread. Some just really personally want the game to be different based on their own preferences. Others actually have posted ways that would materially make the game better for the community.
I do wonder when I skim very long suggestions, are these really for everybody or are they for the way that particular player wants it.

Oh but it is absolutely broken. That's the point here. It doesn't work well enough, unless you're unfinished sentence is "it works well enough for people to play but still be grumpy for the experience", in which case, yes, I agree you. It's not working well enough for people to simply be happy with the experience overall. Everyone seems to come away with the feeling that it has potential, but needs improvement. "Well then stop playing," you say? It's still the best we've got, but being "the best" doesn't mean "good". It's like telling someone to stop using the front door because it's broken. You can get through it but it takes a lot of effort and it always swings back and hits you in the ass, and you're not authorized to repair it. But it's still the front door and it has a purpose. You'd just rather not have to exert yourself using it or have a sore ass all day.
It might not be flawless but as they say if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's a simple system, it works well enough

To be fair, there have been cases where being convincing enough actually got changes in. I've had a few minor items, and you were the most convincing I've ever seen anyone be regardless the incident with removal of seemingly but not really superfluous bonus tags on INSS maps.
Players on this site have this persistent delusion that their suggestions get ignored because they're simply not convincing enough.
Why I think the current CW system is flawless: 2022-08-29 15:04:41

Samek ●
Level 57
I like cookies. ●○●
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