@Laser: dropping templates for just Div D? Or for all Divs?
Just for D (or E) so newer clans with a smaller strategic community have an easier time filling spots. I guess dropping 3v3s would be the best:
1) newer clans may have bigger boot rate making 3v3 less enjoyable,
2) it would be harder for them to orchestrate training - moreover 3v3 training,
3) leading a 3v3 team is time-consuming meaning that the leader of 3v3 should be only in one or two slots -> 3v3 takes a lot of slots/ players from the clan.
It is far harder to get players to participate in a new event than an event your clan has already participated in. Dropping some slots from the last division would allow new clans to try CL.
Edited 9/29/2022 15:48:38