Motocross: 2013-07-28 15:49:05 |

told you i could change your name
Level 28
Motocross: 2013-07-28 15:50:57 |

Level 50
Motocross: 2013-07-28 15:51:27 |

Level 50
I blacklisted you for a few reasons. not just that
Motocross: 2013-07-28 16:14:34 |

Sir Dolphin VI
Level 56
Oh, Motocross, I do not comprehend why you think he must accept your request to vote to end (or, as the young folk say, VTE). He may choose not to vote to end for any reason, and it seems unfair to blacklist him just because he won't accept your request to vote to end.
That being said, I do believe that Motocross has a right to blacklist whoever he so chooses, for any reason. I also doubt that it is necessary to take this game to the forums...
Motocross: 2013-07-28 16:18:37 |

told you i could change your name
Level 28
okay maybe not, but this kid has serious problems...
Motocross: 2013-07-28 19:50:37 |

Level 50
Maybe you should ask him why he blacklisted you if it matters that much to you ?
It works much faster then pretending *he* has issues in hope to get an answer ;)
Motocross: 2013-07-29 03:38:38 |
Level 10
This is a pointless thread that's in the wrong forum.
Motocross: 2013-07-29 14:19:30 |

Level 50
Motocross: 2013-07-29 14:42:21 |

told you i could change your name
Level 28
motocross i saw a thread (which got deleted) a few days ago talking about you being WL's biggest failure, and right now I cant agree more. Despite having played 1000 games, you still fail to break the top 80 in the ladder. You claim to be cool and pretend to troll, but the truth is, you're not intelligent enough to troll, so no one finds you funny at all. You'v tried applying for clans like 101st and VIW, which more or less accept everyone, and you'v been rejected countless times because of your skill. I'm not going to bother tutor you, after yesterday i'd gladly watch you get mercilessly rejected again and again. :D
I've also seen you beg players to vote countless times, when you are losing, thats just despicable, what little sense of sportsmanship.
So in a nutshell, you fail at the game, and you fail at 'trolling'.
Motocross: 2013-07-29 14:55:47 |

The Great Pulsius
Level 57
I feel your pain. The "Funny Motocross Moments" thread was the only funny thing in connection to Motocross ever. And then it got deleted lol
Motocross: 2013-07-29 15:06:26 |

Level 50
I feel your pain. The "Funny Motocross Moments" thread was the only funny thing in connection to Motocross ever. And then it got deleted lol
Someone made that thread about me?
Motocross: 2013-07-29 15:13:01 |

The Great Pulsius
Level 57
Yes. If you want to say something funny now, you could to tell us more about the subjects that were briefly listed in that thread. Like your application to WM after beating Anonymous, or you reporting Seahawks after him claiming to have hacked your account. With links to relevant games pls.
Motocross: 2013-07-29 15:49:05 |

told you i could change your name
Level 28
or your 10 failed attempts int trying to join VIW.
Motocross: 2013-07-29 15:56:28 |

Level 50
I NEVER asked to join WM
Motocross: 2013-07-29 16:00:01 |

told you i could change your name
Level 28
Motocross: 2013-07-29 16:28:31 |

The Great Pulsius
Level 57
Friends that is.