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How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 21:55:33

Samek ●
Level 57
So, on average, how many Multi-Day games do you find yourself in?

I average around 30 and want to see if that's considered "hectic" and "too much".

● Have a good day and Stay Fancy! ●
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 21:57:21

Level 62
I'm typically around 15, I think I like keeping it to 1 page, when I'm at 30, it starts to feel like more of a chore than a game for me lol
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 22:00:57

Level 63
When something is "too much" depends on a variety of things, mostly on how much time and effort a game takes. (e.g. a single 3v3 CL game is way more effort to play than 400 lottos)

Ideally I'm trying to keep my serious games down to 1 page (15 games), but that rarely works out with all my tournament games.

Realistically speaking, I've been hovering around 20 games at once for the past year or so, and thats pretty doable for me.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 22:07:18

Level 62
43 right now, but higher than normal, I'd say around 25 usually, but pooncrew's tournament really mess with that.
As JK said not all games are equal,
local deployment GoT are fun but incredibly time-consuming when you get to a certain point, if anything is gonna make me buy membership those are.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 22:23:41

Level 59
By points/30d, you're somewhere in the top 10% of active Warzone accounts (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQyTPMiILDNWvPRKg5eVriTTMsIqTpIskaTLqRy71ylXLP-9m1OHabmy3OG6tzBTxZh6luSjH0aIP2D/pubchart?oid=350570762&format=interactive). So I'd expect your ongoing game count to be even higher-percentile, since many active accounts don't play MD games. If you're playing 30 serious games where you take 1 turn every 2 days (since usually players do back-to-back turns) and each turn takes 5 minutes, then you spend 1h-1h30m on Warzone every day just handling those MD games. I'd say that's extremely high compared to the active playerbase but unexceptional for the superplayers who make up the sort of formalized community.

As for me, I'm in 2 MD games. I prefer 0 and can't really handle 5 (mostly because I play my games seriously, so time-per-turn on MDs can get pretty high; on a no-stakes 2v2 for some coin tourney, we took 2 weeks on picks against mediocre opponents). When I feel particularly active, I go up to around 10-15. When I was super active I had about 20-25 at a time, with a peak of about 100 (TLW takeover, playing every player to introduce the new management). I think I also had like 30-40 at a time ongoing when I was onboarding players into Optimum, but those games took very low time-per-turn (SE1W against weak players) and even then weren't sustainable.

local deployment GoT are fun but incredibly time-consuming when you get to a certain point, if anything is gonna make me buy membership those are.
For autopilot?
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 22:27:03

Level 62
For autopilot, I guess overviewing movements is quicker than inputting them, I could be wrong.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-07 22:29:48

Level 63
From my experience, you spend longer fixing the AI's mistakes than if you would just input the orders yourself.

If its of any help, on PC you can use CTRL + Click when in the attack phase to perform a deploy, that should save you some toggling back and forth between phases.

Alternatively, install the WZ Order Clipboard userscript, so you can paste the deploys and transfer from last turn without having to redo them: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/441197-warzone-order-clipboard
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-08 01:09:13

Level 65
8-12, currently a bit more, but most of them are casual. Never more than like 8 competitive at once.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-08 01:48:04

Level 65
(he said and increased his MTL games count to 9)
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-08 01:56:18

Level 59
One, more than enough :P

Make sure to not burn yourself out!
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-08 08:11:08

Level 65
Do you even like Warzone, Ocean
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-09 19:37:25

Nice Guy 
Level 62
40. Though I commit in last 12h before deadline, so effectively that is ~13 turns/day
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-09 23:47:49

Samek ●
Level 57
Thank you all for your input! ^_^
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-11 16:58:22

Level 63
This would be a cool moment for Fizzer to slide into the forums with some actual activity statistics =)
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-11 16:59:24

Level 61
he's only in 3 games. I think a tournament and qm. I don't know the other.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-11 18:04:04

Level 60
Currently 9, but usually 12'ish.
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-11 18:08:04

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
currently 6 and some chat games ^^
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-11 18:08:04

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
currently 6 and some chat games ^^
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-13 06:21:36

Level 63
I've wondered if that was intentional or not. I'm never seen you move with more than a few hours left on the clock. Even though the turn moves forward and it's your turn again right away, you let the clock expire before making another move. Odd playing style.
Though I commit in last 12h before deadline
How Many MD Games: 2022-09-13 08:12:35

Level 65
I was wondering the same, krinid
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