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Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 20:43:36

Level 64

Warzone Creator
Was just looking at some data, so I thought it would be fun to hold a little competition.

Two thirds of all active Warzone games are being played on 11 maps.

Guess those 11 maps. I'll give 500 coins to the best guess before 2022-10-04.

The best guess is the one with the most correct maps of the top 11 in the list anywhere. If there's a tie, the list with the most accurate order wins. If multiple people submit the exact same list, then the first person who posted wins the tie (edited posts disqualify you)

Edited 9/30/2022 20:44:06
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 21:04:30

Level 62
1. Small Earth Board Map
2. Modified Medium Earth
3. Rise of Rome
4. Duel
5. Imperium Romanum
6. Final Earth
7. Scrabble
8. France
9. Europe
10. Medium Earth
11. Siege
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 21:10:48

Level 60
1. Small Earth Board Map
2. Modified Medium Earth
3. Rise of Rome
4. Duel
5. Imperium Romanum
6. Final Earth
7. Scrabble
8. France
9. Europe
10. Siege
11. Medium Earth
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 21:27:26

Level 63
1. Small Earth
2. Modified Medium Earth
3. Rise of Rome
4. Final Earth
5. Imperium Romanum
6. Duel
7. France
8. Europe
9. A Song of Westeros and the Free Cities
10. Issander's New Strategic System: Africa
11. Biomes of Americas

I guess we all put our lists together using (a) our own thoughts, (b) QM templates, (c) CW templates, (d) what's popular in the open games list . . . so no surprise they all kind of look the same, except maybe the order.

To be a bit different I changed the last few ... though probably put in less popular templates, just to not say the same templates again.
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 23:45:12

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59

Edited 9/30/2022 23:48:34
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 23:48:39

Level 62
There appears to be some plagiarism happening here, just like high school all over again *hides answers*
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 23:49:00

{N.W.} Hi
Level 59
Er how exactly do I delete said post
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-09-30 23:49:45

Level 62
STOP THE COUNT! My gut feeling is I have 9 of the 11 (inb4 9/11 jokes) and that only my 1 and 2 are in the correct places

Edited 9/30/2022 23:54:48
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 01:08:23

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Small Earth
Modified Medium Earth
Imperium Romanum
Rise of Rome
Four Castles
Final Earth
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 01:40:44

Level 63
lol TR, it's not plagiarism, it's that some of the answers are really obvious. Try it, make your own list and you will see that you get the same 7+ answers, maybe even all 11, and probably just change a few like I did just to be different b/c answering the same thing is kind of boring.

I did actually think I was going to make different answers though, b/c my initial answers didn't look like what others had answered. Here's what they started as:

- SE (this one's suuuuper obvious)
- S1v1 (wasn't sure if it was ME or MME until I checked the template)
- RoR (also fairly obvious)
- Final Earth (S2v2, I knew the name of this one b/c I remember checked the CW template a while back)
- Ninja vs Pirate (didn't remember it was called 'Duel' at first but figured it out when I saw other people's answers)
- Guiroma (ended up being Imperium Romanium after looking it up; I thought the map was actually called Guiroma; WTH is a Guiroma then?)
- whatever Europe map shows up frequently in the open games list (turned out to be 'Europe'),
- French Brawl (turned out to be 'France')
- whatever GoT map shows up in open games list (turned out to be 'A Song of Westeros and the Free Cities', at least that was posted in open games when I checked)
- Elitist Africa (turned out to be 'Issander's New Strategic System: Africa')
- Biomes (turned out to be 'Biomes of Americas')
- Considered a LOTR map ... but naw
- Considered 4 Castles (QM map) but while it's more popular than some other maps, don't really expect it to make top 11. (Then again, don't truly expect the GoT map to make top 11 either, but as I said, just wanted to not have exactly the same list as others).

So from memory, QM, CW templates & open games list, to my surprise ended up with different answers than others. Though tbh I was surprised no one had answered 'Guiroma' before me. haha

Edited 10/1/2022 01:42:08
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 01:47:55

Level 60
Small Earth
Modified Medium Earth
Final Earth
Medium Earth
Europe Huge
France (in French Brawl)
Imperium Romanum
Colossal Earth
Siege of Feldmere
Welp I tried, probably wrong for most of them
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 02:49:49

Level 47
My answer is conditional upon if all of warlight's history is included or only warzone. Since some maps have fallen out of favor but undoubtedly have the most total PLAYS. Assuming only warzone is included then Lionheart's map is more popular than grundie's small earth, but grundie's map probably has more overall plays (since the beginning of warlight). I will put both on the list.

Small earth board map (lionheart)
Rise of Rome
Imperium Romanum
Small Earth (grundie)
Europe (by troll)
Medium Earth
Four Castles
Final Earth
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 07:56:35

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Small Earth
Modified Medium Earth
Imperium Romanum
Four Castles
Final Earth
Rise of Rome
Elitist Africa

Quickmatch is where 99% of games are being created. Since most people probably don't know how to turn off templates, my list should be accurate. Removed Duel because I think ended game is not active (and Fizzer asks about active games) and Duel games last 1 turn. For the same reason, Siege is so high. In case I named a map inaccurately, I mean the one from the first page of QM templates.
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 08:34:59

Level 65
1. Banana Battle
2. Double Medium Earth
3. Tutorial
4. Northern Vanatu Islands
5. Europe with airlifts
6. Pirate Duel
7. Pokemon
8. Latvia Large
9. Banana Battle
10. Banana Battle
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 08:35:21

Level 65
I would estimate my accuracy around 7/11

Edited 10/1/2022 08:44:16
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 11:08:51

Level 61
I misread the OP so my whole answer doesn't make sense. I thought it's asking about maps with most games ever created on them. I don't want to delete all I wrote so here it is:

1. Modified Medium Earth
2. Small Earth Board Map
3. Rise of Rome
4. Duel
5. Imperium Romanum
6. Europe
7. Medium Earth
8. Small Earth
9. Final Earth
10. Europe Huge
11. Scrabble

The most "popular" ones are obviously going to be the ones featured in:
- ladders (which is originally ME, and nowadays MME/FE/Europe; RT Ladder was a thing for a bit too)
- QM, especially the templates unlocked first (SEBM and MME again; Four Castles is a rare game, and I've never seen the Siege map outside QM)
- auto-coin games (historically used to be SE and MME most commonly; btw, Small Earth Board Map is actually a new-ish addition, I don't remember when exactly did it replace the original SE map)
- auto-games (again ME/MME)
- lotteries (we all know that one)
and those that are especially common in open games (ROR/IR I think take the cake, I also feel like I've been seeing Europe Huge especially often, as well as various GOT maps but the numbers might be too splintered between them)
Some consideration could be given to maps especially popular in the strat community throughout the years (which is ME again, MME again, Europe again, maybe IR again), however it's hard to say how much can it "skew" the results. There's also the diplo community which I haven't been following in six years now so I don't know if there's something that they play especially often.
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 11:41:12

Level 58
Issansder's Africa
Geopolitical Earth 2016
Europe Huge
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 12:51:17

Level 64
1. Duel
2. Small Earth Board Map
3. Rise of Rome
4. Modified Medium Earth
5. Imperium Romanum
6. Final Earth
7. Scrabble
8. Quintuel
9. Europe Huge
10. Siege of feldmere
11. Republic of Macedonia
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 15:46:17

Level 60
first person to get the game banned in all continents wins
Guess the 11 most popular maps: 2022-10-01 15:57:34

Level 47
didn't see that he was talking about active games oh well
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