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Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 21:19:52

Level 60
Increase the limit to at least 10-20 or change to unlimited. If you have a power at 5/5, any collected beyond that goes to Unclaimed, therefore not lost which is nice. Why have a limit?

Assuming one day this is done, keep the Superpower at 5. Imagine slammin' a 20 Superpower. Whoa.
Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 21:25:21

Level 63
Well there already is a place for unclaimed powers: on the map.

You can leave powers behind for the next time you play the level.
Since you can only collect each power twice, it would be wasteful to use them all on your first 2 playthroughs.

And any power you dont collect from the map can stack over the limit without any trouble, so if you wanted to have 20 superpowered free caches, you could.
Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 21:58:26

Level 25
The thing is that having unlimited power storage wouldn't change the fact that you can only collect each one twice and wouldn't necessarily lead to a more "wasteful" play style. The difference would just be that you would store them in the powers menu instead of on the maps. And you wouldn't have to play the maps again to claim it.

My issue here is that several power aspects of idle work differently and that a common pattern is missing:
- If you find powers on maps you can't collect above 5 and if you don't collect them, they stay there.
- If you get powers from the daily login reward you are forced to activate them if you are above your limit.
- if you get powers from raffles, as clan wars reward, etc, then these powers just go beyond the limit. If I remember correctly someone mentioned that he had some powers in the upper double digits stored in the power menu.

So, I really see no reason not to change this to unlimited. It would just unify the mess we have today. And as long as you can't sell/trade/whatever your powers (effectively if the only way to make use of powers is to "use" them), please leave it to the player to decide when to use them. And limiting the power storage is just that, forcing the player to play a certain way (because you can only super power a limited times until you replayed the levels where you left powers behind).
Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 22:02:25

Level 63
I think that person would be me...

Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 22:05:15

Level 63
I'll play devils advocate for a bit:

The main reason to not allow players to pick up more than 5, is so that they dont have enough powers for when they really need them and then buy more. By limiting the powers, it also leaves a lot of powers on the maps, which forces players to reply levels they otherwise wouldn't replay.
Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-26 22:19:07

Level 50
I do favor some in game mechanism to raise the limit.

What I would propose is allowing players to trade max inventory of the power for an extra max slot (for example, 5/5->0/6) and cap it to double the original max. This way it becomes use or invest which becomes an interesting proposition/dilemma for the player.

I think it would be nice (and possibly entice membership) is to include this as a perk for members (for example, members have double the capacity to start with or better yet for members, remove the capacity limits).
Idle Powers 5/5 limit: 2022-10-27 01:47:37

Level 25
The main reason to not allow players to pick up more than 5, is so that they dont have enough powers for when they really need them and then buy more. By limiting the powers, it also leaves a lot of powers on the maps, which forces players to reply levels they otherwise wouldn't replay.
Fair, and I have to admit, I hadn't considered this aspect. On the other hand, having no limit could actually entice some portion of players to use more powers and later on be dependant on / addicted to them. Because if there is no upper limit, these players won't hoard them but use them instead. As they can't maximize/"gamify" their power collection (although if humans wouldn't tend to flex their muscles regardless, then there wouldn't be a forum thread about highest clan requests, so I might be wrong on this). And players who use them more will not be able to let go as easily.

But regarding the latter argument: I don't see the high risk of players only re-playing levels to collect the powers either way. At least not just for the powers. Because in the stages where there still are powers on the map, you need quite some time for most levels, at least on average. And when you have enough andvancements to rush through all levels, there aren't powers to collect anymore.
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