Chrome works fine if you use the browser and just go to the website, it's the applet or whatever it is that he's talking about. Just use and problem solved. You can even bookmark it.
WarLight 3.0 is live! Coins are here!: 2014-12-09 10:53:26
Date Number of coins Details total 12/9/2014 10:57:20 -80 Entry fee into game 7598876 68 12/9/2014 10:56:59 144 Victory in game 7598838 148 12/9/2014 10:49:03 -80 Entry fee into game 7598838 4 12/9/2014 10:28:06 -80 Entry fee into game 7598762 84 12/9/2014 10:27:25 144 Victory in game 7598721 164 12/9/2014 10:18:35 -80 Entry fee into game 7598721 20 12/8/2014 18:44:35 100 Free gift 100
after 2 victories and 2 defeats i ran out of coins, at this rate the free coins will run out of everyone quite quickly and only the very good players will be able to play it. I realise fizzer made it like this to avoid having players getting money out without having others putting money in, but i doubt players ill be paying to join if the very good players will just suck the coins out of them in no time
WarLight 3.0 is live! Coins are here!: 2014-12-09 14:02:35
did you recieve in other accounts? i know people who ahve several accounts and recieved in soem of them but wqhen they kept onj goign to their other accounts they stopped getting, i wont mention names
WarLight 3.0 is live! Coins are here!: 2014-12-09 21:32:27
Using the applet is more preferable to me and a few other users and I don't really see any harm in keeping the link in the settings window as well as in the address bar.
WarLight 3.0 is live! Coins are here!: 2014-12-10 00:41:54
It's funny hearing all these complaints about coin games giving more points than non-coin games... because I recall a huge amount of complaints about *lottery* games.. and many 50+ lvl people got to 50+ by farming lottery games...
a lottery game costs about 30 minutes... while a regular game can often cost hours with a much less result..
a coin game *costs as much time, and costs theoretical money* as a regular game... It actually has cause to have a higher gain.
And to the higher level people complaining because it'll be easier for new players to *cash up to them* all the pre-beta vets should be higher level, but the hundreds/thousands of games they put in pre-leveling didn't count... so pretty much... shut up... If you don't want to play coin games, don't.
The only complaint I can validate on here, honestly... is the complaint to have coin games as optional view, so that players uninterested can choose not to view them.
WarLight 3.0 is live! Coins are here!: 2014-12-10 19:40:13