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Banking time visibility of a larger group: 2022-11-01 14:25:30

Level 58
Hi all. When you are in a multi-player game with many others you cannot see properly the banking time of all the others at the upper right corner of the screen when you point at it ("Clock" window is showing). You will see a large list of the players, but with a larger group the list ends at the bottom of your screen, while not showing every player. It is not the complete list of all the players in the game. Banking time is sometimes not even shown with some players only the avg time.

This can be annoying, because you cannot properly see your banking time and that of your teammates and of your competitors, which might by very interesting to see if everything goes well.

Also, some games may have a shorter 'turn clock' and a larger 'banking time clock', which is evenmore important to check if you are safe with the banking time. Before you know it your time is up and you risk being booted while you are almost winning a game.

You can check it individually with each player by clicking on it and then click on 'speed', but it would be much more convenient to see it all at the same time sorted by team or time left at the upper right corner of the screen.

Please make it possible to see the banking time in a larger group properly visible with a scrolling down function or something like that. The current format is failing at a larger group of 25+ people in a game.
Banking time visibility of a larger group: 2022-11-17 18:20:24

Level 63
Yeah, its currently impossible to view without using inspect element in the browser.
You should report this as a bug to Fizzer (Help > Contact > Report Bug).

As a workaround, you can use the "Boot" button that you get when you view a players profile from the game.

The Boot Player menu shows a "Bootable after X time" and a "Players can be directly booted by any player if they don't move for Y time."

By subtracting Y from X, you can find the remaining banked time of a player.
Banking time visibility of a larger group: 2022-11-17 18:34:43

Level 58
Ok, I have reported this as a bug. I hope the format becomes better in the near future.
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