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INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-02 10:13:30

Level 58
INNS Bonuses: using the following algorithm, makes every map a (simple) INNS bonus system
income for bonus = bonus value - total territories in bonus + total territories controlled by player in bonus
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-02 10:26:41

Level 57
For bonuses with a bonus value higher than the number of territories in it, wouldn't this give you income for controlling 0 territories in a bonus?

And for bonuses with a bonus value lower than the number of territories in it, wouldn't this give you negative income for every bonus you control no territories in?
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-02 10:28:09

Level 58
Mruk this would give u negative income

aka getting a 2 bonus of 5 territories
1: -2 income
2: -1 income
3: 0 income
4: 1 income
5: 2 income
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-02 11:36:14

Level 57
Yes, and
0: -3 income

Besides the algorithm you mention, you also need a way to only make it apply to bonuses you control at least 1 territory in.
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-02 11:44:52

Level 63
Mods can directly change income and override bonus values. They can’t make new bonuses.
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-03 14:46:41

Level 58
@murk u can skip the 0: ofc. the mod will deteck when u take the first territory in the bonus
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-05 07:56:06

Level 60
@Murk have a little faith in me :)

Ofc you don't get negative income if you don't even have a territory in a bonus. It was the first thing I've filtered out when I made the mod.

I've also added settings for negative and superbonuses to have some configuration for game creators. Also because using this bonus system on superbonuses is, well, not very good xD (there is absolutely no way you will get positive income when playing on the map 'Seven years war', every territory you have will give you -10.000 or less income cos of the massive and high amount of superbonuses...)
INSS based bonuses on EVERY map (mod idea): 2022-11-05 18:56:45

Level 60
btw, the mod is public now xD
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