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Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 05:20:45

Level 65
Who's gonna win? My prediction for Division A:

1. MASTER Clan (because it has Marcus Aurelius and therefore is invincible)
2. Python
3. ONE!
5. LuFredd
6. French Community
7. {101st}

Division B:

1. Optimum
2. Blitz
3. |GG|
4. Harmony
5. Fifth Column Confederation
6. The Last Alliance
7. V.I.W
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 05:23:16

Level 65
Division C:

1. GRANDMASTER Clan (because it reminds of MASTER Clan and is likely to benefit from the association with Marcus Aurelius)
2. Polish Eagles
4. Brothers in Arms
5. Partisans
6. Vikinger
7. VS

Division D:

Groups not yet determined
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 13:10:32

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Harmony shall be third and promote to div A.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 14:26:49

Level 61
blitz will win

i will go 18-0
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 17:39:29

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Which templates are you going to play, if I may ask?

Edited 11/13/2022 17:39:36
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 18:43:41

Level 60
timid lands 2v2 with me
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-13 20:50:46

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Prediction Thread about who plays what?
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-15 10:38:09

Level 63
My prediction is that no-one will have even close to correct prediction for B.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-15 10:59:59

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Division A
ONE - ONE(st)
Python - secundus inter pares
HAWKS - wants to be in front of LuFredd
LuFredd - is Lu Fredd
French - honhonhon
Masters - the curse will go on
101st - probably finish above Masters

Division B

Edited 11/15/2022 11:10:01
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-25 18:09:47

Marcus Aurelius 
Level 62
Div A

1. MASTERS - You cannot stop the hamsters.
2. ONE - I am a big LOTR fan.
3. Python - By virtue of being the only other clan that has consistently performed in A.
4. French Community - They have some very good players, but I do not know which ones are playing.
5. Lu Fredd - Also very good players, but I think FC has better ones.
6. HAWKS - I think people have been predicting them to relegate since they got to A, but good job guys on proving everyone wrong. Still I will predict them to relegate again.
7. 101st - Idk anyone here. But I think they are supposed to lose games to Python and not the other way around, so they will relegate.

Div B

1. Optimum - MH had very good players, if these are the ones that joined Optimum then they will win.
2. FCC - Now that Photonic Symmetry (who in case anybody missed it, "literally doesn't care") is in charge, he will rise like a Phoenix and take FCC to new heights.
3. GG - I almost put them as 2nd because they always seem to promote after they relegate. I think they will actually be 2nd but I wanted to put FCC as 2nd.
4. Harmony - Idk who these guys are. Is this the same clan René was in? Anyway they will be 4th.
5. V.I.W - I remember playing against some good players from this clan some time ago. Not sure if they are still in the clan.
6. The Last Alliance - I am a big LOTR fan but these guys are bad.
7. Blitz - They might have had a chance, but since they absorbed the noobier players from FCC like Xenophon and Irise they have blown their chance at winning.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-25 22:55:11

Kenny • apex 
Level 59
Div A:

MASTERS - We have Marcus Aurelius. No other clan does.
French Community - I'm doing this prediction in order to apologize for always underrating them. Please stop throwing bricks in my mail now.
ONE - Their clan name is cool.
101st - I think they're gonna forget that they're supposed to lose to Python
Python - I think they're gonna forget that they're supposed to win over 101st.
Lu Fredd - Honestly if it weren't for the memes I had to do above I'd probably rate them higher.
HAWKS - I mean, they seem like the new AHoL of div A. If I predict them to stay in A they'd relegate.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-26 04:00:19

Level 65
Long live Marcus Aurelius
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-11-26 08:54:12

[V.I.W] recruiting time! Join us !
Level 65

no, they left for Blitz / retired. our goal is to grab more than 10 wins this season. boot apart i think we will we 6 total games.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-04 22:36:32

Master Turtle 
Level 62
GM wins or boots.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-04 22:47:23

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Why do so many people think Optimum will be #1 (in B)?

Edited 12/4/2022 22:47:31
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-04 22:53:57

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
As if noone expects that l4v will hijack Optimum duting the season.
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-05 22:40:37

Level 61
Is it that time of the year that everybody talks shit about TLA and then TLA overperforms? Yes it is
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-20 20:06:52

Level 63
myth busters for D
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-22 01:40:41

Level 60
Wow no faith as per usual, guess it's time to exceed expectations yet again. (;
Clan League 16 prediction thread: 2022-12-22 02:33:36

Level 59
Lmao all of you Pony Boys can Choke your Chickens and Fantasize. We are Reviving The Celtics! Get your Flowers and PomPoms out to Celebrate Our Victory
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