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Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-24 14:03:42

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
Hello together,
Welcome to the Alternative Clan League.

What is the concept?

  • I am going to create single elimination tournaments.
  • In the alternative Clan League are played only alternative templates that have been nominated for Clan League, but you likely don’t know and never heard of.
  • You can have as many teams per clan as you want.
  • You can play with clan-mixed teams.
  • You can play with multiple accounts.
  • These tournaments also can be a chance for players, that did not make it in the initial lineup or didn’t make it in the roster.
  • I want to invite players, that are member of a clan that has signed up for Clan League. So, I want to make sure that these templates are published to the players that have an influence on next seasons nominations.

  • Why doing this?

  • Clan League Event always has been place, in which new strategic templates and especially team templates, have been introduced to the strategic community. Sometimes this have been good choices, sometimes this have been bad choices. And though there is always a lack of new templates.
  • Looking for templates in Clan League 16 we looked to have some variety in comparison to Clan League 15. Also, we looked for the number of nominations as indicator how popular a template is.
  • However, going with the nomination count is also rather counter-productive to introduce new templates. New templates are only known by the creator often. So, they likely only get 1 nomination and have a weak stand against more known templates. And you will never learn these templates because I have been too afraid to choose a less competitively tested template.
  • The Alternative Clan League is a try to give these templates a wider audience. You can learn these templates here and use it for other competitions and maybe a few of these templates will receive more than 1 nomination next season and is going to be chosen.

  • Points
    Tournament winner (-team) get as many points for the win as they would for the according Clan League game.

    3v3 Tournament Win give 5 points.
    2v2 Tournament Win give 4 points.
    1v1 Tournament Win give 3 points.

    1 Tournament 1st placed (Winner) shall get full points
    1 Tournament 2nd placed (Finalist) shall get 1/2 of the points
    2 Tournament 3rd placed (Semifinalists) shall get 1/4 of the points
    4 Tournament 5th placed (Quarterginalists) shall get 1/8 of the points

    In case of mixed teams the points are shared evently amongst the teammembers.

    In 3v3 team with 2 players from ONE! and 1 player from TLA.
    ONE! receives 2/3*5 points and 1/3*5 points.

    Counting Points will happen at the end of the season.

    Spreadsheet by Texx



  • I would like to create tournaments 1x a week.
  • This are the 21 templates. It’s a wide choice. A lot of interesting settings, that need to be tested out. I have not played this templates myself yet. So, it is up to you to make your own impression of this templates. (I will add links)

    1v1 Heavy Earth WR -

    2v2 Brazilian Southeast -

    1v1 Okinawa LD -

    3v3 Middle East -

    1v1 Sunset Kepler -

    2v2 Gotham -

    1v1 Zimbabwe Commerce -

    2v2 Macedonia -

    1v1 HAWKS Picky Picks -

    2v2 Haunted Mansion Complete Fog -

    1v1 North Pole -

    3v3 Bakrannia LD -

    1v1 Gotham Safe Start -

    2v2 Crimea Army Cap -

    1v1 Trunia -

    2v2 Sierra Leone Brawl -

    1v1 Tokyo Artillery Battle -

    2v2 Turzel -

    1v1 Cologne -

    2v2 Bakrannia LD (canceled)-

    2v2 Timid Land Heavy Fog -

  • Credits to the template nominators:

    Lu Fredd,

    If you dont want to be invited. I am sry. But I cant change it.

  • Edited 12/1/2023 08:31:48
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-25 08:07:14

    Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
    Level 62
    1v1 Sunset Kepler
    Do you have some time to help me further develop the template? The template has +1 bonuses with one territory and some people complain about it. I would need somebody to help me test the template with and without these bonuses.
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-25 11:22:46

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    I can switch Sunset Kepler to a later point, if you wish. But probably these tournaments can be used to collect suggestions, too.
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-27 13:30:35

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    I have added game links above.

    Sunset Keplar I have dragged some weeks behind. You may send me an updated link.

    The first template then will be 1v1 Heavy Earth. Its not really a new template, but a very old one. A fossil.

    I will start the first tournament next weekend. Every clan that has signed up for Clan Clan League till tournament creation is going to be invited.

    Sign Up here for Clan League 16:
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 12:45:01

    Level 62
    "Every clan that has signed up for Clan Clan League till tournament creation is going to be invited."

    How does this work?
    Is every clanmember from these clans automatically invited?
    Those are gonna be big tourneys then
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 13:01:53

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Yes, as you described it is the plan.

    However I actually dont know if I can invite that many. Else I may need to reduce it to active members and else to Div A to Div C clans.. I need to figure that out.
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 13:11:27

    Level 58
    no modded templates :'(
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 13:54:01

    Level 68
    It’ll be nice to play unusual templates against decent players. Nice idea
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 14:18:10

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Division A clans have 347 players
    Division B clans have 584 players
    Division C clans have 315 players
    Division D clans have 1095 players

    Biggest 1v1 Tournament was limited at something about 2000 players.
    That is unfortunately not including all Division D. Sry Div D.
    Eventually I can invite you to a later point.
    The more players decline the tournament, the more I can invite of Div D I think.
    But I would first invite A B C then. Or eventually I just invite Cats as last (399 players)
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 14:27:00

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Don't complain about this event. This is intentionally arbitrary completely :D.
    I dont even know if there should be a point system.
    Eventually the tournament winner (-team) get as many points for the win as they would for the according Clan League game.

      3v3 Tournament Win give 5 points.
      2v2 Tournament Win give 4 points.
      1v1 Tournament Win give 3 points.

      Tournament 2nd placed shall get half of the points

    In case of mixed teams the points are shared evently amongst the teammembers.

      In team with 2 players from ONE! and 1 player from TLA.
      ONE! receives 2/3*5 points and
      TLA the other 1/3 of the 5 points.

    I think that is good :)
    Main goal is like just throwing this templates into the community and see what is happening :D
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-11-29 14:31:33

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    no modded templates :'(

    Yes, there is one. 2v2 Bakrannia LD has Gifting Armies.
    I struggled, if I should remove it the mod. But I kept it in, maybe airlifts would do it too. But ahm.. yeah it's a modded template and that's the main reason I kept it in.
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-01 07:33:18

    Level 63
    the link to 2v2 Bakrannia LD leads to 3v3 w/o any mod. If Gifting Armies is the mod I think of, it places gifted troops randomly over territories.. really annoying
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-01 14:46:32

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Ye.. I confused myself. The links for 2v2 and 3v3 Bakrannia LD have been the same. Now I corrected the link. Indees Gifting Armies is a random destinated gift. So probably makes only sense if you need to keep your teammate alife.

    Though it might be interesting actually. LD needs a bit until you get your troops to the frontline, especially if you are big and your Supporting lines are long. If your teammate is small it actually might be a good strategy to flood with all the troops that needs an eternity else to be helpful on your frontline.

    EDIT: But the high killrate might kill that idea.

    Edited 12/2/2022 17:06:10
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-02 17:04:06

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Episode 1:
    1v1 Heavy Earth

    3 - 101st - Pablito
    1.5 - ONE! - rakleader
    0.75 - MASTER Clan - master of desaster
    0.75 - ONE! - Milly
    0.375 - Blitz - Zappyelf
    0.375 - Polish Eagels - Menda
    0.375 - Hawks - exe
    0.375 - Vikinger - kevin#1

    Edited 11/20/2023 11:36:15
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-09 11:18:37

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Episode 2:
    2v2 Brazilian Southeast

    2 - ONE! - Devi
    2 - Python - Drama
    1 - 101st - Unholy
    1 - 101st - Futschikato
    0.5 - Lu Fredd - nikrek
    0.5 - Lu Fredd - simone
    0.5 - Blitz - Ilija
    0.5 - Blitz - The Whenysyaner
    0.25 - Undisputed - koning
    0.25 - SPARTA - Sipadawan
    0.25 - SPARTA - Patico
    0.25 - M'Hunters - Elucidar
    0.25 - Hawks - Denriev
    0.25 - Hawks - Kicker
    0.25 - CORP - orionaux
    0.25 - CORP - red alert

    Edited 11/20/2023 11:36:33
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-16 13:30:12

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Episode 3:
    1v1 Okinawa LD

    3 - GG - fireice82
    1.5 - ONE! - Beren Erchamion
    0.75 - Partisan - TheBelgian
    0.75 - Blitz - #GR# NICK21
    0.375 - ONE! - Buns157
    0.375 - (clanless) - flamebarrel
    0.375 - Lu Fredd - Cthulhu
    0.375 - Hawks - Michael

    Edited 6/21/2023 07:40:53
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-25 13:57:25

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Episode 4:
    3v3 Middle East

    1.667 - ONE! - Devi
    1.667 - ONE! - rakleader
    1.667 - Lu Fredd - Palace
    0.833 - CORP - ToroLoco ॐ
    0.833 - CORP - dry-clean-only
    0.833 - CORP - The Shots
    0.416 - KILL ‘EM ALL - Jartton
    0.416 - KILL ‘EM ALL - freakkriek
    0.416 - Cats - JulesEatsBabies
    0.416 - FCC - Baseplate207
    0.416 - Partisans - Peacebringer
    0.416 - Hawks - Rodrigo
    0.208 - The House of Love - Sir Kelhim
    0.208 - Undisputed - koning
    0.208 - SPARTA - Sipadawan
    0.208 - SPARTA - sairay
    0.208 - SPARTA - KL
    0.208 - SPARTA - Raoul_Paco_Fioul
    0.208 - TLA - Zaunspringer
    0.208 - TLA - Grandknight67
    0.208 - Harmony - Ste
    0.208 - Harmony - IKBftw
    0.208 - Harmony - Neuronautical
    0.208 - Soldiers of Fortune - Tallguy32

    Edited 6/21/2023 07:41:56
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-25 14:13:34

    Level 58
    Enjoying the limited deployment on Okinawa actually. It is a good map for tug of war down the middle with some flanking opportunities
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2022-12-25 18:38:47

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    I am glad you enjoy :)
    Alternative Clan League 16: 2023-01-02 12:45:20

    (ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
    Level 62
    Episode 5:
    1v1 Sunset Kepler

    3 - ONE! - Buns157
    1.5 - Optimum - Corsaro93
    0.75 - Hawks - Kicker
    0.75 - Brothers in Arms - Big E
    0.375 - German Warlords - Mephisto
    0.375 - Nestlings - Prince-Vinc
    0.375 - 101st - muhorka
    0.375 - Partisans - TheBelgian

    Edited 6/21/2023 18:28:22
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