#1. Mod is overpowered and I know how to fix it. So with a fort, the defenders take 0 damage, but the attackers still receive normal damage. This means, on normal kill rates, let's say you have 53 armies defending with a fort + commander against 82 attacking armies. 0 of the defenders will die, but 42 attacking armies will die, and the fort will be destroyed.
This is so insanely overpowered, especially because I have used the fort mod in dozens of games and didn't figure this out until today.
A better solution is that, keep forts the same as they are except from now on neither attackers nor defenders lose armies when an attacker attacks a territory with a fort. Right now forts are death traps.
#2. Why does this mod say it was made by Fizzer when it was made by that guy with the Russian sounding name? Starts with a K.
#3. Current description is misleading: "This mod allows players to build a fort. Any armies on a territory with a fort cannot be harmed by an incoming attack, but any incoming attack will destroy the fort. Therefore, as an attacker, it's a good idea to attack a fort with 1 army to destory it with minimal losses." This description doesn't explain the "minimal losses" part that well. It needs to add more about how defenders still deal FULL damage to attackers but they take no losses! Also, the word "destroy" is mispelled.
Also, my game is broken and I need it to be deleted, thanks: