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Numbered stars: 2022-12-10 01:52:52

Dan Douglas 
Level 26
I find maps with numbered stars, such as map # 1472859. What is the purpose of these stars ? Thank you to anyone that answers.
Numbered stars: 2022-12-10 15:42:58

Nice Guy 
Level 62
Such map does not exist.
Numbered stars: 2022-12-10 20:37:16

Level 63
The map (https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=1472859) indeed doesnt exist (or has been deleted).

I suspect you are talking about the Single Player level (https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?Level=1472859).

The numbered starts are the picks your AI teammates have made.
The number in the star indicates the priority of the pick (Warzone tries to give every player their #1, then their #2, etc), and the color of the star indicates the player that made the picks.
Numbered stars: 2022-12-10 21:13:36

Dan Douglas 
Level 26
Thank you JK. I've always wondered about that but never noticed the correlation.
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