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Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 05:48:49

Law Talking Man
Level 41
I'm playing on my phone and PC, and I'm syncing after everything. I bought a bunch of items, used the the superpowers to fast-forward 10 hours, synced, went on my phone, got the 30% upgrade, synced, went back on my PC, and the purchases were gone, but the money used to buy them isn't restored. I've run into problems switching between devices, but this is a new one. Yes, I synced after everything.
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 05:50:22

Level 60
maybe it takes time to sync? idk
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 15:59:15

Level 57
The problem with sync is, that it happens asynchronous. When the message "Syncing" appears on the PC, the sync-process just got started. Same happens with the Sync-menu in the App.
In most cases it really happens also just in time. But sometimes it does not work. In that cases on receive on the PC messages like "Could not sync" about 1 minute after i initialized the sync.
When I have done expensive deals on one platform, I keep playing on that platform for about 10 minutes, sync again before going to the other platform.
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 18:58:28

Level 63
Usually the problem is with people not syncing, but you are already syncing properly, so that cant be it.

Syncs failing after a minute is something that obviously shouldnt happen, so you should report it as a bug (Menu > Help > Contact > Report bug) if you didnt do so yet.
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 20:08:07

Level 60
I too, have had X-platform issues. Fizzer was informed and resolved the problem promptly.

I primarily use the StandAlone client. If purchasing from the SAC, when your transaction is complete, your are "Returned to Merchant", which redirects you back to the web side. When you return playing on the SAC, your coins/items are not immediately there. You have to let update on its own but this doesn't always happen.

For the time being, try the following. (my situation may differ slightly than yours)

Log out of Warzone on all your devices except for the website.
Complete purchases/transactions through the website.
Wait about 5-10 minutes. Log back in on your other devices.
Your items/coins should be there.

The StandAlone has a pop-up for purchases for things such as calendar bundles. The most recent being the Winter Bundle. Website does not have pop-ups for calendar bundles. Nor does the website have a Store button like the SAC does.

By the way, how does one know a calendar bundle is available through the website?

Fizzer is aware of this and will remedy it in hopefully soon updates.

If you have any issues, inform Fizzer. He will address it promptly, usually within 24 hours. Don't worry, you won't get ripped off. Fizzer knows what's going on.

Edited 12/11/2022 20:12:19
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 20:58:56

Level 60
Another thing that needs to change. I was out of coins and wanted 30% more AP. But again, the SAC won't update. In hindsight, I should have thought ahead.
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 21:18:03

Level 63
By the way, how does one know a calendar bundle is available through the website?

Does it not pop up in idle either?
Iirc, the sales do pop up in idle.

And otherwise you could always check the forum with all sales (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/657840-anyone-know-different-bought-packages-2) where I try to post browser store links as well.
Syncing and Time Warping Issues: 2022-12-11 22:45:19

Level 60
@ JK_3, I think I speak on behalf on the community, thank you for posting calendar bundle links in the forums. It's greatly appreciated. Were it not for the SAC and your links, I would never know there was a sale.

To answer your question. No, I do not get pop-up notification for sales, through Idle via the website.

Hey Fizzer, would you mind putting up a 'Store' button on the website? Please.

That link is a gem. Faved ;)

Edited 12/11/2022 22:46:20
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