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3D not working, any help?: 2023-01-02 05:56:24

Level 57
Why are 3D maps working on my iphone but not on my Mac laptop?
3D not working, any help?: 2023-01-02 11:30:49

Level 63
The new update has a setting for 3D to only work on small maps.
Sadly Fizzer overwritten the previous settings with this new one, so everyone's 3D settings went back to "on for small maps", so if you play mostly big maps, you might want to change that setting to "on" to have it work for all maps.

The reason those maps still work in 3D on your phone, is because your phone probably didnt update yet.
3D not working, any help?: 2023-01-02 12:12:36

Level 57
My iphone has 3D for all maps, but laptop for none. How do I find those settings?
3D not working, any help?: 2023-01-02 12:34:48

Level 62
Just in case you use browser on your laptop, 3D is not supported on browser. You need to use stand alone apps.
3D not working, any help?: 2023-01-02 12:39:02

Level 63
ah yeah, forgot to mention that, if you want 3D on your laptop, you need to download the desktop app (see https://www.warzone.com/wiki/Standalone_Client for download link)
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